Wednesday, 16 April 2014

Purple #rainbownailsblog

Well, the end is now in sight for Kelly's #rainbownailsblog project, and whilst I haven't been all too creative with my nail art designs, my nails have loved the fact that they have been treated to regular shaping, painting and much needed TLC by me taking part.

So this week, we are on to the lovely purple, and I really thought I had a few nice shades lurking around in a draw to choose from this week.

As it turns out, I was wrong and I just had the one purple polish.

But one is better that non, and teamed with a slick of Revlon "Stunning" - a glitter packed clear polish - my nails were transformed in no time.

I do love a nice deep purple on my nails - usually it would go on my tootsies, but today I had the pleasure of sticking it on my finger nails and being able to see it all of the time.

This purple colour is originally from Natural Collection but I bought it AGES ago so I couldn't tell you it's price.
It is named "Cosmic Crush" and I really can't see it costing too much to be honest.

The polish applied really well - especially considering it's grand old age - and after two coats, I was left with a lovely deep, dark purple nail.

Not to go too OTT, the Revlon silver glitter went on only two of my nails, just for a little bit of variety and it looked quite good.

This colour applied really easily too - minimal fuss and it dried very quickly - my favourite nail painting combo!

I hope you like!

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