Tuesday, 29 July 2014

Back To The Healthiness...

I have to say, I really do love the six weeks holidays...well five and a half in my case this year...because not only does it mean time off of work (and who doesn't love that!) but I also have the opportunity to get out there are do some fantastic things with my son.

Enjoy some fantastic quality time together.

And I love it.

Whether it's a day at the seaside, a trip to the cinema or even just a scooter-ride around the corner to the local park, it's great to just have the time to be able to do things together.

Don't get me wrong, it does get a tad expensive though, so we often take a picnic with us, to not only cut costs a little, but to also make sure there are enough of the things we like on hand.

In my case, this means that I have lots of the "right" foods with me to try to ease the temptation the yummy things on a cafe menu may present to me.

And I really need to avoid doing this because, yep, I did it - I totally bit the bullet last night and went back to my slimming group to get weighed.

And oh boy has the weight started to creep back on.

So that's it now - healthy snacks a go.

And my first port of call in the healthy snack department is always the fruit bowl - I mean it doesn't get much healthier than fruit now does it.

My bag is always guaranteed to have at least one piece of the stuff hidden inside of it, especially when I'm in "the zone".

It also makes a great lunch, all chopped up into a fruit salad and dusted with a little sweetener for when I fancy something a little lighter - and particular when the sun is beating down.

Very refreshing.

It is even better when topped with a Quark and sweetener mixture for a healthy fruit and "cream" dessert.
(this is one of my favourites)

Low calorie jelly also works for me as a great "I need sweet things and I need them now" alternative at times too.

Oh, and another thing I have discovered that I love, especially on my Weetabix in a morning is almond milk - unsweetened of course - it adds a slight nuttiness to the cereal which just stops it being so boring.

Even though I do still drink cows milk (skimmed of course!) and have no problem with diary myself, the non-dairy almond alternative is great for people who do...and it is really low in calories.


On the particular healthy eating plan that I follow at the moment, I don't really have a need to eat copias amounts of protein - I have done in the past, but not at the moment.

However this doesn't mean that protein isn't used in my house - because it is - a lot.

The Hubby is also "back on it" with the healthiness and his training has kicked up a notch again, which naturally means his protein intake has increased as a result and he's now constantly searching out the newest and best products he can use to help him train better but I suppose it keeps him busy and out from under my feet.

So this morning...and most mornings actually - oh, and some post-training evenings too...my house can often be found to smell of yummy pancakes, slowly cooking away.

It is torture.

But the pancakes in question aren't any old, run-of-the-mill kind of a pancake - oh no - they are a really protein packed kind of a pancake which The Hubby just loves.

And although I don't really eat them myself, I am still very appreciative at just how yum they are...

And how very tempting they can be too...

~ Half a Cup of unsweetened almond milk
~ 1 scoop protein powder (a chocolate or strawberry one go down well in this house)
~ Half of a small banana
~ 3/4 tbsp cinnamon (if desired)
~ Two egg whites
~ Fry Light Cooking Spray (so the pancakes don't stick to the pan!)

~ Put the banana into a dish and mash
~ Whisk the egg whites 

~ Add the cinnamon, banana and protein powder to the eggs and mix together

~ Slowly stir in the almond milk - the full amount may not be needed

~ Cook as you would a "normal" pancakes - in a pan on medium heat

~ They only take about five minutes until ready

~Top with anything - banana, strawberry and a sprinkling of sweetener work well in my house
(plus they are healthy too!)

And that's it - easy, healthy and really filling.

Makes me wish I was off pumping the iron at the gym regularly now too...

*sponsored post - however, all thoughts, situations, photographs and cookery skills are ALL my own

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