Wednesday, 30 July 2014

Summer Fun - Blackpool Pleasure Beach

Summer holidays undoubtedly mean long, fun-packed days out with my family, making the maximum out of the "no school, no work" joy of them.

And last weekend was no exception.

It was my nephew's ninth birthday on Saturday, and he decided that he wanted to go to Blackpool for the day with as many of his cousins as he could muster together.

Fantastic choice

He decided that our only destination for the day was to be... 

Blackpool Pleasure Beach

Now I haven't been to Blackpool for a whole lot of years myself and I know that my eight year old has certainly never been inside of the Pleasure Beach before - not ever.

And boy was he excited about his first time there.

We just about managed to arrive at the gates without him totally combusting from sheer giddy energy, and found ourselves approaching the gates in record fast speed.

There was just no stopping him

By a stroke of miraculous luck, I was given - yes given - four wrist bands by the fantastic Pleasure Beach people - *excited squeal* - which were labelled as VIP bands no less.

They certainly helped to start our day off amazingly that's for sure because by having them, it meant that we were led straight past the hundreds of queuing people, right up to the ticket desk only to then be ushered directly to the main entrance.

No queue required

! Happy Days !

We did encounter a filthy look (or ten) thrown in our direction at this point, but my-oh-my, it was so worth it just to avoid that long wait.

And if you ever want to see two kiddies strut around feeling very important with themselves - give them an official VIP status.

The boys l-o-v-e-d showing there's off all day long.

The Blackpool weather was amazing for us and we hurried straight over to Nickelodeon Land for a few ease-us-in-gently kiddie type rides.

This is not to say that the adults didn't enjoy them too  - the small (ish) roller-coaster in this area - Nickelodeon Streak - still managed to have me all apprehensively worried whilst we waited to go on.

I'm such a wimp

But it was brilliant, and I survived it, and even wanted to go on it again.

But - as you may have already guessed - my love for the huge thrill rides is no more.

Years ago I tackled The Big One and would have jumped on everything - with a little persuasion - but nope, not these days.

My eight year old totally took over from me though - the kid was just fearless and went on absolutely everything, including:

~ Avalanche

~ Steeple Chase

~ Valhalla

~ even The Big One
(much to my horror/terror/upset!)

Such a daredevil isn't he.

It was soon lunchtime (yep - all of this happened before lunch!) and we grabbed a table and enjoyed a quick rest whilst ordering hotdogs and some donuts from one of the conviniently placed food stands dotted all around the park.

We were quickly on our way again though, only this time the kiddies enjoyed a few of the more age appropriate rides on offer, such as:

~ The Carosel

~ Wallace and Gromit's Thrill-O-Matic

~ Alice In Wonderland 

...because some of the "bigger kids" wanted to dive onto the more heart-pounding-loose-your-stomach kind of rides, like:

~ Infusion

~ Revolution (erm - how high...!?!!)

Then, after an amazingly fun and exhausting nine hours of rides, thrills, laughs and screams we, very tiredly, crawled back into the car and began our journey home.

Blackpool Pleasure Beach certainly made a lasting impact on my little man anyway - the first thing he said then next day was -

"Wow - I can't believe I went on The Big One!"

- accompanied with a huge, beaming grin and excited chatter, which lasted for hours...and hours...and hours...

Pleasure Beach - Thank You - I'm sure we'll be seeing you again - very soon

*tickets very kindly gifted to us. Thoughts, photos and experiences are all true and are all my own

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