Thursday, 17 July 2014

I Really Do Want Yo Go To YNot Festival...

Before Saturday happened - as in the Saturday of the Blog Yorkshire Meet - two things were very true:

~ 1. I had never been to any festival-themed event before

~ 2. I had never heard of Country Attire before.

Crazy - but still very true.

However, since receiving the pritty brilliant goody bag from the brand, it's had me delving into their website a little bit, to have a good ol' nose around, spying on all of the goodies they have to offer.

I must admit, my first stop-offs on the site were to firstly drool over The Hunter wellies (I want some sooo bad!) and then to check out all of the Vivienne Westwood bits and bobs on offer - because let's face it, who doesn't love a bit of Vivienne...?!

And then I realised that County Attire had a little bit of a Blog Yorkshire competition going.

A competition to win an AH-MAZING prize of a pair of weekend tickets to YNot Festival.


I've never even been to a festival before - not in my whole entire life...which is fairly sad really at my grand old age of thirty years, so I had no choice but to have to enter and try my luck really.

And how did I enter?

Well - I had to have a snoop around Country Attire's that's a bit of virtual shopping...easy.

Then I had to pick an item from my browse around to become my "festival essential" and then say why - more virtual shopping - yep, I definatly got this.

And so I chose, for my festival essential item, some fab Hunter Festival Wellies (very apt name!)

Now I do agree that this may have been the slightly obvious choice, especially with me already expressing my desire to own a pair of these lovelies, but it had to be these, and for a fair few reasons:

~ I just love them

~ They have pink on them (yay!)

~ They have spikes on them (yay!)

~ I just know festival people wear Hunter's lots, so I'd fit right in - in the footwear department at least

~ I don't enjoy mud.  At all.  Pretty wellies will keep my tootsies clean, dry with no fear of any mud-contact

~ I could wear them every Sunday and up-grade my current, quite horrible mud-allowed-boots and then become a real stylish Rugby Mum when I watch my little man play

~ AND they are currently in the sale and I do love a good bargain

It would be criminal for me not to choose these really...


I really want to go to YNot Festival because I REALLLY want to party like it's 2001...

...way back when, when I was just 18...

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