Tuesday, 19 August 2014

Book Review - Finding You

I've really missed having any time to sit down properly, uninterrupted, with a really good book and just enjoy it lately.

Time just gets eaten up with everything else and once again, I'm slacking way too much in the reading stakes - I'm just hoping the book club I'm a part of won't kick me out for being so rubbish - again - I will do better...


I do love nothing more than a good book though - I recently popped along...well maybe it's slightly geographically impossible for me to say that I just "popped along" to an event that was held in Edinburgh - but you know what I mean... I recently went to Edinburgh for an author book signing (details here) which was totally amazing.

It was at this event, helping out, being a "Tea Bitch" that a book cover totally caught my eye.

I wandered past it's table a few times and I just knew that if I didn't buy a copy...and obviously get it signed by the author...I would totally regret it.

It also helped that the author was really lovely, approachable and so down-to-earth too - it just made me want her book all the more.

So I bought it.

And then when I came home it was one of the first books from my signed-stash that I decided to read.

And I finished it in just one day.

It genuinely is that good.

And then I just had to buy the next two books in the series for my kindle straight away...which I also read in a matter of days.

Slight addiction I reckon.

So I thought it was only right that I pass on the book-brilliance and share with you what I thought of the amazing first book in the series.

Finding You
(The Bad Boy Series #1)
S.K Hartley

Three Hearts
Two Souls
One Broken Mess

Finding You is a story filled with total raw emotion.
There is love, lust and passion treading right alongside heartbreak, sorrow, grief and betrayal.

The story totally sweeps you away into it's pages and as a reader you become almost powerless and can't help but feel the feelings and emotions as the characters feel them themselves.

It's brilliant.

Neva is the beautiful young lead character of the story who is growing up, experiencing love, dealing with college and all the dramas that coincide, yet all whilst having to deal with demons from her past.

She has a long-continued battle with the nightmares from years and years worth of pent up grief, pain and guilt over a tragic loss she suffered during childhood...one she can not help but blame herself for.

And then there is Logan.

Logan is a young, sexy attractive ladies man who has watched the turmoil Neva has suffered and has helped her for almost all of her life.

Ever the protector, ever the helper, ever the best friend...but dare he admit his true feelings, and will he ever be the one put first and get what it is that he desires...

Or will his desires, hopes and dreams be totally shattered when the stunning, hypnotic bad-boy Angel strums his guitar straight into Neva's life.

Will this troubled soul be a perfect match to Neva's and help her soothe away her anguish, or will his wild side break her even further...

! You have to read this book !

It really is fab.
I found myself crying my eyes out, totally heartbroken at the issues facing the characters - I was that attached to them and fell that much into the plot of the story.

All of the characters are so real and so very well explored - I felt a sense of knowing them and because none of them are perfect in the slightest, each having their own flaws it allowed me to be able to relate to them more.

There are a few pritty...shall we say steamy...moments slotted into the plot too, which are very well written...and can't be described as a bad thing now can they...
*insert winky smile*

And of course, no story would be complete without an exciting twist - Finding You certainly doesn't disappoint - it's exciting, fast-paced and action packed.

I just loved it and like I said before, I finished the whole book in just one day, simply because I couldn't put it down at all.

A brilliant must read from a fab Amazon Best Selling author

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