Saturday, 30 August 2014

Summer Fun - Camping

Well, I never thought I'd ever have a title of any post of mine with the words "Summer Fun" and "Camping" any where near each other...but here I am, with a post with a title doing just that.

Crazy times for sure.

I mean I don't own a tent...I don't own sleeping bags...I don't even own many spare blankets.

What on earth could I possibly be thinking?

How could this be fun?

I've never even spent any amount of real time out in the cold, or the rain through the day - especially if there is mud, mud, mud involved - and I've certainly never done it during the night.

And ALL night at that...

! Eeek !

I need to be warm and toasty.

I need to be comfortable.

I need to be safe and secure behind a locked door whilst I sleep.

So how on earth did camping ever appear on my radar...??

Well trust me, I actually asked myself that question - on more than a few occasions - but I had a very excited, camping ready son who just couldn't wait to get going.

And a Mum's gotta do what a Mum's gotta do.

So I packed up about a weeks worth of easy-to-prepare food, borrowed EVERYTHING we could possibly need and off we went.

Our destination - a small camp site in Selby.

It was friendly - it had a bar, showering facilities, a teeny kiddies park and the rugby on a huge TV...which was just as well for the rugby crew I was "at one with nature" with.

I know, I know - it was hardly sleeping in a muddy field, using a bush for a loo and cooking on a self-built fire now was it, but it was outside and I was in a tent.

It was camping.

We spent our days sat outside the tents, the majority of the adults we were with drinking alcohol, the rest of us on the coffees, all just relaxing, chatting and having a "right laugh".

It was great for the kids - no computers or technology at all (apart from the films on the iPad at bedtime - Mum needed to be r-e-a-l-l-y tired to get any sleep!!)

They were constantly outside in the fresh air, playing and having so much fun with each other.

It was brilliant.

~ We BBQ'd

~ We made coffee's with a little whistling kettle at 7am in a morning
(There's no sacrifice of the caffeine regardless of where I am I'm afraid!)

~ We talked and laughed, and talked some more

And even when the weather turned, we sat inside our little tent, ate junk food and simply watched the rain pour.

I loved it.

Granted, bedtime was cold and a little cramped but we managed and we know for next time - yep, there will be a next time - that we need a much bigger tent and lots more blankets.

But at least we know now.

And if I can make camping suit me and enjoy it enough to want to go again then everyone has got to give it a go.

Amazing quality family time is always fantasic

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