Friday 26 September 2014

Slimming World...or Weight Watchers...?

A little comment the Husband made last night got me to thinking a bit and I just wanted to ramble on and throw a little post together about it.

Well, why not eh.

We were just sat about talking - not glued to social media for a change - and the conversation slippped onto food - naturally - and then, being very genuine and a tad confused, he looked at me and simply asked,

"It's Weight Watchers now isn't it...Or is it Slimming World again...?"

That is the one question that rules them all

Not even the Husband knows what plan I'm on and when.

* Ooops*

No - I'm not that bad really, he just hasn't been paying attention...

* Ahem*

I do always seem to be "on a diet" though...but the plans I follow aren't really diets as such, more healthy eating plans.

Both Slimming World and Weight Watchers don't have me feeling hungry, they don't have me "eating dust" or give me that sad-please-feed-me-quickly face - but I admit - I do tend to mix it up a little bit between the two.

Don't get me wrong, if I am on a plan then I will be on it for ages before I switch - but at somepoint I know I will switch.

Take Slimming World for example...

I have followed Slimming World for years and years and I think it is brilliant - I tell everyone that asks who is thinking of "dieting" to give it a go first.

I mean eating carbs and loosing weight??

Happy Days indeed.

I lost two and a half stone without doing a single exercise with the plan when I first began trying to shed the pounds.

It's great.

But I have had to step away from it recently, and that isn't because it doesn't work or anything like that, but I just sort of gave up with it.

I wasn't following the plan properly or making the right food choices and the weight was hardly creeping, more like sprinting, back up the scales.

I had to sort it out.

So for a change, I have joined Weight Watchers - just for a month online - to see if the change in eating works.

I have done it before and I find it easy to track things and keep an eye on my points with the handy phone app.
(notice that chocolate never leaves my day!)

I always get lazy on any plan though - with Slimming World my tea most evenings was the same - savoury rice, "fried" onions, mushrooms, peppers and sweetcorn all spiced up and mixed together

"Spicy Rice"! :)

But it was my absolute favourite...but I know it needed to be changed a little.

At least with Weight Watchers I know that I have to stack up the veg on my plate to fill my stomach - with it having no points I can eat boatloads.

Whereas if I was peckish on Slimming World I would avoid the veg - even though I love it - and open up a tin of spaghetti or have a quick jacket potato - which is fine because they are "free" foods -  but I'm sure with veg versus tinned spaghetti there is no contest in the healthy stakes...

I was just so lazy.

So I have forced myself to get un-lazy with a whole new eating approach.

Fingers crossed I will see results with Weight Watchers quickly, but Slimming World - I'm sure to be back to some point.

Forever alternating between the two!!

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