Wednesday 3 September 2014

Summer Fun - Harry Potter Studio Tour

Before I begin I must warn you that this post is very picture heavy - there were hundreds (literally) more photographs I wanted to included but I had to reign myself in.

So - warning over, lets begin.

This has got to be my all time favourite outing of my whole entire summer.


It was just totally out of this world outstanding.

I have wanted to go for so long now, so when I realised I actually was - it was a little bit of a mouth-drop-open-heart-thud kind of a moment.

And trust me, there are absolutely no disappointments here.

It was amazing and I can't wait to be able to visit again.

We arrived really early - before the doors even opened in fact - after an even earlier 4.30am wake-up call and drive down to London.


But it was oh-so worth it - we managed to get our tickets and then a seat in the restaurant for a coffee with no queueing at all.

I spotted the gift shop immediatly and in I went.


And then, I didn't want to leave - it was a Harry Potter fan's dream...and this was just the gift shop.

I wanted everything.

And after a little shopping spree it was time to go and meet the boy under the stairs... all his magical glory.

I won't give too many spoilers but the entrance into the tour has to be the most spectacular thing ever.

I know I'm a total geek but it was simply brilliant - I certainly welled up I don't mind admitting it at all.

Awwww - PLEASE take me!

I have so many photographs - around 350 in fact - there really is that much to see and take in.

Everything - sets, costumes, props are all genuine parts of the movies and on top of all of that, there are often special events going on too.

During my visit I was treated to the "Bludgers And Broomsticks" feature, which focused - obviously - on Quidditch and even featured real broomstick makers who were on hand to show us how it was all done.

We spent hours looking around and I still don't think I saw everything - there is just so much...

~ there is the Great Hall

~ actual props from the Yule Ball

~ Umbridge's crazy-pink office

~ Butterbeer

~ there is Dobby
(oh how I love Dobby!)

~ Diagon Alley

~ Number 4 Privet Drive

~ The Knight Bus

~ lots of "educational decrees"

Just so, so much...

...including actual clothing touched, worn and adorned by my favourite - Mr Robert Pattinson


Then there is that moment you step into the The Hogwarts Model room - wow - it is literally breathtaking.

The model, the detail, the atmosphere and the music all combine into this spectacular experience.

It really is something else.

Simply amazing.

If you love all things Harry Potter (like if that wasn't obvious) then you have to take a visit to Warner Studios for this tour - you are undoubtedly missing out if you don't.

Seriously - get those tickets booked

Going again isn't too it...?

*tour tickets gifted to me - thoughts and pictures are 100% all my own


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