Monday, 17 November 2014

My Autumn "Best Bit"

I'm becoming so much aware of the fact that winter is well and truly on it's toe-freezing little way.

I mean, there's nothing quite like saying a huge big "Hello" to the season than being stood, at 9am, on a Sunday morning, in the middle of November, watching your child play rugby.

No escaping winter's approach in that situation, trust me...!

And with winter around the corner, it's time that Autumn was on it's way out.

Awww - see you next year Autumn.

Which got me to thinking - what exactly do I like about Autumn?


~ I certainly like the clothes in the shops at this time of year

~ I certainly like all the deeper, darker berry lipstick shades that are so much more acceptable the colder the weather gets

...but what else does Autumn mean to me?...

I noticed that Sykes Cottages had a little competition running where they wanted to find out about the nations "best bits" of Autumn.

They encouraged entrants to take a snap of their individual favourite autumnal thing and explain what it is that makes it so fab.


So, my bestest of the best bit about autumn...?

This took a little thinking about (hence why this competition entry almost didn't happen) but a photograph summing up Autumn for me would have to be this...

Now I could have gone (or tried to go) a little arty and taken lovely pictures of beautiful leaves falling from trees...but for me, that's just a hindrance - and one I usually slip in too.

I could have taken a lovely weekend stroll in the woods with my family - which is one of my favourite things to do - but it's just so blooming cold, damp, wet and rainy at the moment...and these are not best bits for me.

The picture I chose illustrates my best autumn bits very nicely I think.

Snuggling up under a comfy blanket with my beautiful son to watch a brilliant movie is my best bit of any season.

Especially if there is hot chocolate and marshmallows on offer too.


Plus the cold and wet weather outside, the warm fire, hot chocolate and snuggles inside.


And I know my idea of Autumn's Best Bits isn't very traditionally autumnal to most, but to me, well, I couldn't think of a moment to better it.

Autumn Perfection

*a competition entry post

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