Thursday, 29 January 2015

Jurlique - A Skin Survival Trio

It seems I'm spending all of my time waiting for snow at the moment - or more accurately waiting for the news that potentially goes along with the arrival of snow...

~ Having a snow day ~

There's nothing quite like a "stay at home and don't come to work" day slotted in to the middle of a very mundane, run-of-the-mill kind of a week to totally make a person feel happy.

And for this, I do love snow

My skin however, does not feel this passion I occasionally have for the white stuff

Nope, not one little bit.

My skin does not love the snow at all

In particular, it does not love all of the blustery, gale-force, freezing, icy-ness that goes along with it's arrival.

It just ends up feeling all tight and dry and, well, very horrible and quite battered really.

All uncomfortable and unhealthy

~ Yak ~

Luckily for me, after having a rummage through some of my stashed beauty bits and bobs, I came across a cute little bag from Jurlique - which I was very kindly given during the brilliant BBloggers Meet up in Sheffield a little while ago (full details here).

I had never heard of the brand before - which isn't all too surprising for me if I'm honest - I have a total lack of knowledge around anything and everything "skincare".

I'm very happy and willing to learn though and was naturally very pleased when I came across these again and dragged them out of hiding.

Jurlique was first established when the joining of a German botanist and biochemist occurred, in the heart of an Australian hillside farm back in the 1980s.

Since this date, the brand has developed and continued their passions to find the purest, most natural skincare around.

And I don't feel short changed in the slightest.

My little trio of sample sized bottles has impressed me no end

I was particularly excited to try out the Antioxidant Face Oil I have to say.

Now this oils job is to smooth fine lines, improve skins' luminosity and deeply moisturise... could I say no to that...

Once upon a time though, and not too long ago either, I didn't even realise oils for the face were a thing.

Or that they could be so brilliant...

I just assumed adding an oil to my face would automatically mean spot outbreaks, and that is 100% not the case
(well, not for me anyway)

After cleansing my face as usual, I followed the instructions (obviously!) and applied three drops of oil to my fingertips and warmed them a little by rubbing my hands together, then I gently patted the oil into my face

I couldn't put my finger on the scent of this, but it was very subtle and very rich and really very lovely.

The three little drops were more than enough, and the oil was absorbed into my skin in no time at all.

I did use this on it's own for the first night of testing, and when I woke up in the morning, honestly, my face was so smooth and silky - I couldn't stop touching it.

I really love this oil and want it to last forever and a day.

And because I decided to use the oil at bedtime, the perfect morning routine addition was the Rose Moisture Plus Moisturising Cream

...which is said to help with dehydration and reduce the signs of premature ageing


But I'll be honest, the fact that this is rose scented kind of put me off of it a little bit.

I'm just not a floral scented products kind of a gal at all.


...that was before I had even opened it, and when I did I was very pleasantly surprised.

I applied a small amount of the cream to my fingertips, rubbed them together a little and again, patted the product all over my face.

The rose scent was extremely subtle, but was really...well...nice I suppose... it was all soothing and fresh - and I liked it a whole lot.

Once applied, my face was instantly oozing moisture and I even found that my make up applied much easier and quicker too.

~ Which is always a bonus ~

Now, the third product in this little collection of three came in the form of the slightly smaller sized tube of Recovery Night Cream, said to be responsible for restoring smoothness and improving elasticity

I used a pearl sized amount of this (ever an instruction follower), rubbed into fingertips and patted it into my skin - after I had applied the serum and just before clambering into bed...

It was brilliant

Again, I found this to be slightly floral, but not an overpowering scent at all and it totally just melted into my face.

I have used these products daily now for about two weeks, and the difference in my skin is amazing.

I haven't (touch wood!) had a spot appearance in all of this time, my skin looks so much healthier and it feels so soft all of the time.

I'm certainly a fan anyway

And although the full sized trio set would put me back £102 - which I know is really quite expensive (it is for me anyway) - I would (and am) really considering making the investment.

I really do love this stuff and know I will be more than a tad upset when it is gone

Thanks for popping into our goody bags Jurlique...I may never have discovered you otherwise

Now bring on that snow - my face is ready for it

*Beauty Event gift - all words, thoughts, pictures are 100% my own

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