Tuesday, 3 February 2015

2015 Favourites - Month Number One

~ February ~

...February 2015...

How on earth are we here already?

Time really does fly by doesn't it.

I've been having a little think and have decided that I really should be sharing the things I love with you on a regular basis shouldn't I.

I know a lot of bloggers do things like this and I'm making the decision to well and truly jump onto that bandwagon and give it a go myself.

Well, it's only right that I share all of the loveliness isn't it.

I've decided that I'm not going to stick to just one area though - I probably wouldn't have enough beauty/lifestyle/fashion favourites in one month to include in an area specific post anyway.

Instead I'm going to just delve into everything I've been liking...a whole mis-mash of things...just to keep it all as interesting as possible.

So, what have I been really loving over the past month...


What a pretty place.

I've gone from only really visiting the city once - for a night out a verry long time ago - to popping over a fair few times in recent weeks.

And can you blame me really - it is just so lovely.

Even all of the usual city shops - those run-of-the-mill, see everywhere kind of shops - just look so much nicer in York.

And what with all of the cute, quirky, little boutiquey shops slotted in between too, and all of the buildings being so old and interesting...

...Awww - it's just great.

We popped over again last weekend in fact and took my son to visit the Jorvik Viking Museum for the very first time.
Whilst I did kind of think that this was a little bit of a blink-and-you'll-miss-it experience, the delve into what a Viking village was really like, seated on the little information providing ride, is a really great idea and we found it very informative.

Afterwards we had a long wander around the streets and my son didn't complain once - now anyone with young children who totally hate shopping will realise how miraculous this actually is - but he was far too happy with his imagination, having a whole lot of fun in the streets.

He decided that hiding himself in all of the nooks and crannies of the city, pretending to shoot pretend people was the order of the day - he absolutely loved it.

But then again I suppose York isn't like a "normal" city centre...it is just so much more - so much prettier and nicer - how could he not love it.

I certainly do.


Now come on - who doesn't love a good scented candle.

I seem to have them in every room of my house at the moment - I just love wandering from room to room (only when I need to - I'm not a house wandering weirdo!), being greeted by lovely, pretty scents.

I was very pleased recently to discover that a local-to-me company, Smelly Tarts, provide home-made candle melts and pretty burners for a really reasonable price...

...well, in true "me" fashion, I obviously had to have some...and then proceeded to go a tad overboard and made quite a massive order...which actually was really very cheap considering what I bought - and included delivery straight to my door!

~ Fab ~

The only problem is, I'm now obsessed with wanting to know what each melt smells like and I am really impatient with it, so I keep swapping them out for different ones.

But I do have a lot to be working through...so I'm sure it's OK...


You may have seen my recent post on my feelings about this newly-discovered brand (find it here) and I couldn't not include it in a favourites post.

I love the stuff

I really love how this little trio makes my skin feel and look.

It's just fantastic and I can't sing it's praises highly enough.

...what else is there to say really...

Love, love, love it.

...Winter Boots...

If you haven't had a little bit of the crazy, cold, white stuff lately, then where on Earth do you live??!
(probably somewhere warm and exotic...and then I'm highly jealous!)

So these lovely boots that I was sent a while ago from Shoetique (find full post here) have proved to be an absolute toe warming saviour for me.

They have made sure I remained upright when negotiating the ice, they have allowed me to maintain warmth in my tootsies whilst sledging with my son...and they have looked really rather nice too - always important.

So it's win win all round really isn't it.

I mean, how can you not love a good boot though really!


And writing about winter boots leads me very nicely onto the freezing snow itself.

Now, me and snow very much have a love-hate relationship, but over recent weeks I have found myself absolutely loving the stuff.

And why is this I hear you ask?

Well, its arrival meant that I have had a total of three Snow Days away from work now...

Three full days...

All to myself...

...which I'll admit I totally wasted, with my feet up watching movies, drinking coffee and reading...

...but I really did enjoy doing it...

And of course, with snow there brings excited children who love nothing more than whizzing down a hill as fast as possible on a sledge...

...which obviously Mum has to join in on too...

It is always brilliant to spend a bit of fun-time with my lovely.

So as long as I don't have to drive in the stuff, then I very much do love snow.

And there we have it - my first "I Love's" of 2015.

...let me know what you have been loving so far this year in the comments below won't you...

Here's to a year filled with lovely stuff

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