Friday, 27 February 2015

Lush Offer Up Some Gorilla Perfumes

I'm know I'm in excellent company when I express the love that I have for all things Lush related.

The whole fantastic smelling place is just amazing, and ever since my blog began it's little journey, I've (very thankfully!) been introduced to the wonders that come out of their little doors and will openly admit that I've popped along more than once or twice to make a sneaky purchase.

You can imagine my excitement then, when I was invited along to a very new-to-me Lush store - one that I had never visited before - inside of the Meadowhall Shopping Centre in Sheffield

And what's more, this little invite of mine entitled me to an out of hours sneaky peek into the world of Lush's all new fragrances within their Gorilla Perfume range




Perfume...that smells of gorillas...??

No - of course not!

It smells really rather nice if you ask me

And as we entered the store we were greeted with lots of these lovely Lush well as being presented with lovely drinks and healthy snacks...
(Lush being those ever brilliant hosts that they are)

...and were then told all about the Gorilla Perfume's origins...

Apparently, the perfumers who created the range - Mark and Simon - wanted to to stick with the things they had learnt throughout their time at Lush, but wanted to push their perfumer limits, so they developed the range as a way to use scent as a tool to express the surroundings and the world around them.

~ Good stuff ~

So - back to the evening - as our perfume exploring group was fairly small in number, we had time for a little mingle around the store, naturally admiring everything and adding it all to the shopping lists stacking up in our minds.

We were then guided to take our seats and were asked to give a small introductory speech into who we were and what we do outside of the blogging world...

* g r o a n *

Public speaking is my worst thing...ever...but actually, it really wasn't that bad at all

Especially as afterwards, we were given a little background information into this fab new range.

The range incorporates three different scents, each representing a different stage - or part of the cycle - of life within nature...

~ Death
~ Decay
~ Renewal

...and there is a perfume, with a story, for each stage...

First up, we had Death & Decay

And I'll admit I found this a slightly strange name for a perfume, however the reason behind the name is that Death & Decay, for most people, is something we associate with sadness, dark times (and horrible smells).

With this concept in mind then, the really floral lilly scent of the perfume is quite a surprise and is a little unexpected - not death-like at all.

Death & Decay then becomes a scent to help focus on acceptance and positivity, rather than on the darkness.

I can't say that this was my favourite of the three scents we were introduced to, possibly because it remained quite musky on my skin - which I wasn't a huge fan of at all.

Oh well, maybe the next one will be more suited to my tastes - and it is...

All Good Things

Now this perfume reminded me of sweets if I'm it was...well...quite sweet scented.

It helps to represent the acceptance stage of things coming to an end - the sweetness represents all of the lovely memories we still have to hold on to.

A real bitter sweet combination

Good stuff eh

Now I wasn't expecting to be a fan of the last perfume - Kerbside Violet - as I don't really go for floral scents all that much, but it was very delicate, very pretty...and reminded me very much of Palma Violet sweets.

Now the background to this perfume revolves around new beginnings and chance encounters, and how the perfumes creator spotted a violet beginning to blossom in a place it shouldn't have been able to grow.

Almost like it was growing up out of nothing.

The perfume helps to illustrate that out of sadness and nothingness, new things can develop and new beginnings can start.

And so it fully completes the cycle - and what a very lovely, pretty way to complete it indeed.

This has to be my favourite of the three - if nothing, for it's fab story alone.

As we were presented with each of these three perfumes we were asked to place a little on our arm and then cover it up, allowing our body warmth to settle the alcohol a little before we inhaled the fragrance.

Then, we were encouraged to smell the other people around us - well - we were all friends at this point - and what I found most surprising was how different the same scent was on each individual person, which, we were told, is because our bodies are always the final ingredient to the Gorilla Perfumes, meaning that the end result will naturally differ from person to person.

~ How interesting ~

Once this section of the evening was all complete and we had arms smelling all crazy different, we were treated to our very own one-on-one personal perfume consultation.

A lovely Lush lady asked us questions about the scents we preferred and then gave us a few options to test based on our likes and dislikes.

Mine was a very close call between Karma - a fairly fresh, fruity scent and Dirty - a very minty, fresh scent

But I have to say, that for me, Dirty won the battle.

And how fantastic of Lush - they gave each of us a bottle of our own personal winning fragrance to take away with us
(so kind!) I then naturally had to go and buy the shower gel to match too didn't I...

~ Of course ~

It was a really fun, educational evening which was very unique.

~ But then Lush do know how to put on a good party ~

Make sure you check out the Gorilla Perfumes for yourself, and let me know which is your favourite of the three newbies

Here's to smelling amazing for the rest of 2015

* PR invited event - words, thoughts & pictures are all my own

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