Tuesday, 3 March 2015

A Bit Of A Sheffield-Based #bloggersfunday

What could be better than having a good old catch up with a group of lovely ladies?

Not much, eh?

How about a good old catch up combined with lots of amazing food and then add lots of lovely new faces into the mix too...

Yep - that sounds pritty great to me.

And that is exactly how I found myself spending a recent Saturday afternoon when I popped along to Sheffield to be a-part of Billie's #bloggersfunday.

Something that initially made this day a very fun day for me is the fact that my Hubby (who is a fairly new blogger) bagged himself an invite too and then Billie - very brilliantly - allowed our nine year son to come along and enjoy the day with us too

(We have found that now, with two bloggers in the one household, a whole load of childcare issues are presenting themselves a little bit...)

~ It was a real family affair indeed ~

And certainly a fun day was had by all three of us.

We pulled up at our venue - Handmade Burger Co - (more on that little place of fabulousness in a later post!) and were welcomed by Billie who encourage us to take a seat, relax, enjoy a lovely pink, homemade cupcake and grab a drink (or five) on Handmade Burger Co - thanks guys!!

 So we mingled, wandered around taking lots of photographs and just chatted away really whilst we waited for everyone to arrive - and then it was down to the all important serious stuff - checking out the menu and making that almost impossible decision of picking one burger out of the amazingly packed menu.

 After lots of conferring with each other, orders were finally placed, more drinks were collected and then those lovely ladies from Lush Meadowhall set up shop in preparation to give us a little introduction into some of their brilliant new products

And if that wasn't enough, they even treated as many of us as they could to a soothingly relaxing arm massage

Relaxation whilst waiting for food arrival - could things actually get any better...?!

Well...yes actually they could...

...the arrival of the food was out of this world brilliant...and it was very, very plentiful...

Seriously - how many yummy sides do one group of people need - there was a lot of food...and it was so delicious

~ Brilliant ~

Many of the other bloggers then planned to continue their fun day - after the food was long gone - at the local bowling alley, however we unfortunately couldn't take part in this and we said our goodbyes and headed off home
(tired out child and all)

Before we departed, Billie presented us with a fab goodie bag and what totally impressed me was that she had gone out of her way and bought lots of sweeties and chocolate to present my son with a bag of treats all of his own.

We certainly had one very happy little boy in the car on the way home that's for sure.

#bloggersfunday was great and I hope to meet up with everyone again really soon.

There are certainly lots more Bloggers Fun Day's to be had

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