Thursday, 19 February 2015

Selfie Sticks And Christmas Stags

It's been a crazy old few months of full on busy, busy, busy times.

So busy in fact that a "couple" of my intended blog post seem to have fallen by the way-side a little bit, and are taking an age to make it to the published stage...

* naughty me *

But I'm not going to let this little blip knock me back - oh no!

I'm not going to let the fact that it is now fast approaching the end of February (how did that happen?!) stop me featuring a little bit of Christmas on these here pages - oh no!

But to do so, I think I should set the scene a little bit and tell a little tale...
(I do love a good story)

As we all know - if not, where actually have you been - the whole world has been taken over recently by photo taking - in particular the whole selfie taking phenomenon.

And yes - I do love me a good selfie-taking-session as much as the next person.

Around the Christmas period, the whole selfie stick craze seemed to take off.

I remember hitting Edinburgh earlier in 2014 and we saw tourists with selfie sticks and I remember thinking what crazy contraptions they were and how I would never ever own one myself...

I mean, how embarrassing are they...

...roll forward to December - Boxing Day to be precise - I was at my Auntie's annual festive party and I was actually sulking - yes, sulking, because my selfie stick hadn't arrived and my cousin was having all the selfie-snapping fun with hers...

~ sulk ~

* sigh *

But then, in early January, mine arrived

~ Y A Y ~

And as I had originally ordered it around the Christmas period - from those lovely people at Mobile Madhouse - it was accompanied with a fab Christmas themed phone case to decorate my mobile too

And what better way for me to jazz up any mobile device of mine, but by having pictures of STAGS all over it
(feed my obsession a little more!!)

Now I know that it does say Merry Christmas across the middle of it, and if I'm being honest, I will actually save this to use more around next Christmas rather than now -  but just look how pretty it is!

~ Snow
~ Baubles
~ Christmas Trees
~ Stags

Lovely jubbley

And it is a perfect fit for my phone too, and doesn't make it feel too bulky or heavy at all

~ Bonus ~

Now - the selfie stick

I loved this immediately.

My phone very easily slotted into the large, square "window" section at the top, and because this has rubber stoppers on it, it held the phone safely in place.

As it extended out - to an impressive 97cm at it's maximum length - the camera on my phone was able to get a whole host of scenery and background into the shot - which is just perfect for sight-seeing trips or making sure large groups of people can fit into the one photograph.

This particular selfie stick also has it's own little - very useful - remote with it too.

The remote is paired to the phone using the Bluetooth option, and once this has connected it is just a case of simply switching it on, activating the phone's camera mode and the image is captured by pressing the button on the remote.

Perfect for long-selfie-stick-handle-shots.

It is so easy to use and really handy.

I even found that it works with Snapchat too - it allowed me to get a fantastic video of myself and my son whizzing down a hill on a sledge in the snow - it was brilliant.

I am certainly a fan of the selfie stick that's for sure.

It fits into my bag, isn't heavy or too bulky at all and really does help to get some great photographs

Very fun and very fab - no matter the time of year.

Thanks lots Mobile Madhouse - this selfie stick will certainly be getting it's fair share of use that's for sure

Happy Snapping!

* items provided free of charge for an honest review - all words, photos & selfies are 100% my own

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