Wednesday 18 February 2015

Toxicfox Have A Mother's Day Competition

So that's Christmas done with for another year.

The hangovers created from welcoming in the New Year are now a far distant memory.

And more recently, cupid has popped his heart-shaped arrows back into the cupboard and is resting his love-creating feet until 2016.

Wow - 2015 really is flying by isn't it

So - what's next?

I know that we have Easter fast approaching haven't we...well...the supermarket shelves are telling me that it is on it's way anyway.

And then (very important for me obviously) we have Mother's Day.

A lovely day of (potential!) relaxation, pampering and all out appreciation for the lovely Mummies out there.

~ I love it ~

And if you've seen a past post of mine (find it here) then you'll know that I also quite love all of the offerings that Toxicfox have, and lucky for me - and for you all too - the two have been combined together and a little competition has been thrown into the Mother's Day mix.

A competition to win a fifty pound Toxicfox gift voucher nonetheless

The perfect way to treat some of the lovely Mothers out there

So what do you have to do to enter I hear you ask?

Well, I don't think it could be any easier really...

~ Pop over to toxic fox

~ Check out all the Mother's Day goodies and pick out your favourite gift

~ Share this on your social media channel of choice (or all of them if you like!)

There are four chances to win - one from each of the following:
- Twitter
- Pinterest
- Facebook
- Google +

~ Make sure you use the hashtag #toxicfox to get your entry seen by those lovely people at Toxicfox too!

And that is it!

See - I said it couldn't be easier didn't I

The competition is open now - as of today - the 18th February - and it closes on 1st March with the winner being notified soon after on 2nd March.

Naturally I've had a little browse about the site myself and have been picking out a few things that I wouldn't mind having presented to me on Mother's Day morning

...after my traditional lie in of course...

Each category of gifts on the site is broken down depending on the Mum "type" you have.

Amongst others there are:

~ My Glam Mum
~ My Vino Mum
~ My Beautiful Mum

...and my favourite...

~ My Sentimental Mum

~ Awwww ~

Well, what could be better than a lovely meaningful, personalised pressie from my beautiful boy.

Something like a cuddly little teddy...

Who wouldn't want a cute, cuddly Me To You Bear - I know I would, I just love them.

So what are you going to choose as your most favourite piece?

Let me know in the comments below what you picked and entered the competition with...just in case I happen to have missed any of the little Toxicfox gems hidden away.

There's also 10% off at the checkout until 15th March on anything that may take your fancy using code TFMother

Fab things and a discount

There's a whole lot of lovely stuff to tempt you that's for sure

* a collaborative post

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