Saturday, 7 March 2015

A Fabulous Osmo Hair Straightening Kit

~ Hair Washing Day ~

Oh - what an enticing post intro that is...

So thrilling in fact, I'm surprised you've actually managed to read on any further...

(...but I'm really glad that you did...)

Anyway - hair washing day - yes, it's not my favourite kind of day I must admit, but every once in a while it's certainly a necessity of a day and one that I must endure - no matter how much I try and put it off.

There's only so many dry-shampoo days even I can get away with.

But I suppose it's not all bad.

Especially not now that I have this fantastic little set in my very grateful possession, all ready and waiting to de-fuzz and clean my mane

Looks rather salon professional doesn't it - much too posh to be gracing my bathroom...

But in my bathroom it is - and I'm so impressed with it - in my bathroom it shall be remaining.

I know you will have heard me say this before, but for me, having to wash my hair is really no fun at all.

I think even my hairdresser must inwardly groan whenever I ring up for an appointment.

My hair is really thick you see, and despite having a little bit of a hair cut and some of the length taken off, it is still fairly long.

Don't get me wrong, I really do love it...but only when it's all done, styled and is looking all lovely and pretty.

But at times these hygiene things can't be helped and I simply have to face the pain of a home hair-wash.

And it is on days such as these - like today for example - when having amazing products like these shine and straightening enhancing lovelies from Osmo come in very handy.

Osmo offer a professional and controversial range of hair styling products which will "manipulate and corrupt your head"...

...sounds like something worth trying out eh...

My son actually uses products from Osmo's hair styling range on his hair everyday to create that all important "perfect nine year old style", so I knew the products were great even before I opened these...but even so, I still couldn't wait to try my own little selection out.

I've used these products a few times now - with me only really washing my hair once every "few" weeks, they are going to last me quite a while - and this does make me happy.

~ There's something to be said for being a little bit of a scruff after all ~

So, when I did wash my hair, I began by washing and conditioning with the Blinding Shine Shampoo and Blinding Shine Conditioner set.

Both of these products contain extracts of Ceaderwood and Rosemary and really help to boost the hairs natural shine and vibrancy whilst also helping to purify and revitalise it too.

They really helped my hair feel lovely and clean and really moisturised too.

I found the scent of these really subtle but it was really nice and rather fresh.

I'm certainly a fan.

Now, once I have washed my hair I can guarantee that I will always, always, always have lots of tangles and knots galore.

Brushing my damp hair through is an absolute nightmare and I loose so much hair each and every time, it really does surprise me that I'm not bald if I'm honest.

So before I even attempted using a brush I decided to rub a fairly big blob (yes - a blob) of the unscented Straightening Fluid through my damp hair and I found that this really helped reduce the amount of effort I had to put in to simply pull a brush through my hair

And for this alone - I adore this product.

I do think that the Straightening Fluid would have worked fine on it's own at smoothing my tresses during styling, but I decided that as I had it in my possession, it was only right that I also pop on a little of the Blinding Shine Serum too

I found that I only need two pumps of this for my masses of hair as it has a really oily consistency and rubbed through my hair really well.

I concentrated this on the ends of my hair rather than putting it at the root - I mean I don't wash my hair all too often as it is, I really didn't want to risk an oil slick appearance straight after this wash and then have to do it all over again.

What a total waste of a wash that would have been...!

The scent of this was lovely - again really subtle and not overpowering at all and ever so slightly musky.

~ Really rather nice ~

So I was all washed, conditioned, brushed and heat protected - both the serum and straightening fluid contain properties which help protect against heat damage, with the serum also packing in UV filtering products too - I was ready for the arduous task of blow-drying.

But, it would seem, that after using this little Osmo kit, this task wasn't all that arduous after all.

Drying time seemed to be a whole lot less than usual, and rather than drying and creating a huge ball of fuzziness, I was left with hair that was almost perfectly straight and fuzz-free.

~ Fantastic ~

A quick straightener session once it was all dry finished my straight and sleek look off perfectly.

My hair looked great - exactly how I like it and almost as great a result as I would get after a salon visit.

I was really impressed with these Osmo products and am really pleased to have them in my bathroom.

My hair loves them and I love the fact that hair faffing time (yes - faffing) is reduced to an absolute minimum now.

Thanks lots Osmo

Your products certainly are fab

*items sent to test & review. Words, thoughts & pictures are all my own

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