Friday, 5 June 2015

Baby Baker Friday - I Can See You In There You Know...

I've decided that Friday's on the blog are now going to be dedicated to my new found pregnancy status.

Whilst I know this won't please everyone, it's something I really want to do - after all being pregnant is a huge thing to be happening in my life and I really want to share bits and pieces of what is going on amongst these pages.

So here we go

~ Baby Baker Friday ~

This has certainly been an amazingly fabulous week in the world of Baby Baker.

And why is that I hear you ask?

Well, this week it was time for my twenty week anomaly scan and I had the chance to see the little peanut again and what an amazing experience it was.

Myself, the Hubby and my son (we let him skive a few morning hours from school to come with us!) were sat in our local hospital waiting room at 9am on Tuesday morning, and if I'm honest, I felt a little apprehensive...but really excited.

Anyway, into the room we went, up on the bed I jumped (well, not quite!) and Baby Baker we did see.

The sonographer was the most amazing guy ever - he was so funny and really made the experience more enjoyable...if that's even possible.

It just amazes me what you can actually see on the screen in front of you - so, so much of the tiny, developing little human tucked away inside of you.

It's just brilliant

And I was able to see...

~ the perfect little zip-like spine
~ all of the teeny-tiny ribs
~ the organs
~ the heart, pumping away perfectly

~ I loved it ~

And I squealed particularly loud when it was pointed out to me that Baby Baker was opening it's mouth, giving us a little smile...and then two bubbles floated out - we interrupted a little drink session apparently.

We obviously had a bit of a show put on for us from the little poser, who proceeded to stretch out one leg...

...followed by the other, before bringing them both up towards it's body then literally kicked the absolute hell out of my insides - the sonographer said that my bladder was well and truly being used as a trampoline.

I couldn't feel it though - not yet - but that is certainly going to hurt in a few weeks time.


Then, that all important question was raised - did we want to find out the sex of the baby...?

Hmmm...did we?

Well, I already knew (Mum's just "know" you know!) that Baby Baker was a bouncing baby did we need it officially pointing out?

Add this "gut instinct" to the fact that the last Baker Girl to be born arrived into the world a whole thirty (yes - 30!!) years ago - Baker's just don't do girls...

So did we really need to know?

Yes - of course we did - I needed to go back to the shop I was in over the weekend and pick up the cute boys coat I was on the verge of buying before the Hubby stopped me with words of "just wait"

The sonographer managed to get a very clear shot of that all important area and then confirmed to us that...

...Mum was very, very...

~ W R O N G ~

!! Baby Baker is actually a little lady !!

My very own Little Princess to be a baby sister to my not so little Beautiful Prince

I couldn't be happier and can't stop smiling.

And the whole family seems to love the idea of gaining a girlie too, which is really nice.

It's just amazing but I can honestly say that it was really unexpected - I must have asked for clarification about fifteen times before we left the hospital room - and then I still went back to ask one more time.

I'm in total shock, but it is a lovely kind of shock to be in.

Now time to fill the house with as much pinkness as I can manage

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