Wednesday, 3 June 2015

Experiencing Hotel Chocolat and Roast And Conch, Leeds

I can't deny, I've been a little slow on the blog post front lately and I'm kind of playing catch up a little bit, writing posts I should really of had live a while ago, but I'm sure I can be forgiven... least I hope I can anyway...

First up in "operation catch-up", there's a little evening out that I need to tell you all about - one in which I headed on over to Leeds to Hotel Chocolat - a venue I had very much wanted to visit for ages - to taste some of the fabulousness from the Roast and Conch Restaurant.

And oh my, fabulous the food really was.

But before I get into all of the good stuff (the food - obviously!), let me elaborate on the evening a little first.

Myself, the Hubby, Hayley and Sammie popped along to the venue to sample tasters from the restaurants new menu - which I know is very much loved by everyone who visits - and were immediately swept along to the bar for our complimentary chocolate based cocktails.

Obviously, being "with child" myself, these creations were a no-go area for me - unfortunately - because they looked fantastic.

There wasn't really another option for me to go for which didn't contain copious amounts of booze either...which was a little disappointing I must admit.

Booze, booze, booze - oh and chocolate - were certainly the order of the evening...

The barman did make me a Virgin Northside though - basically a run-of-the-mill Northside, only without the cocoa gin.

It was very nice of him to be so accommodating, but the drink wasn't my favourite in the world - I think the absence of the cocoa flavours within the gin really made a difference and I just found it rather tart and a tad tangy.

So I simply looked on, with a saddened face (awww!) for the rest of the evening, upset that I couldn't experience a chocolate infused drink, just a-sipping on my lemonade...

...I would have really liked a non-alcoholic chocolatey drink to have been on the menu...

~ s o b ~

Anyway, once I was over that trauma I took a little step back and had a look around the bar itself.

It was packed full of very smartly dressed occupants of Leeds, all enjoying the trendy atmosphere, and of course all of the alcohol that Hotel Chocolat had on offer.

I really liked the layout of the place - especially with the small chocolate-selling-section a-joining the bar area.

~ Yum ~

So we settled in amongst the crowd and had a little chat and a giggle and then the all important, all exciting part of the evening began...

~ Food Time ~

We were brought samples of the fab looking food from the restaurant upstairs

We had some amazing treats, amongst which were the most delicious, most more-ish sausages I have ever tasted, complete with a chocolate glaze - they were fantastic and I could have eaten them all day long

With a taste for the yumminess setting in (and us wanting to find a seat) we edged our way further towards the stairs, until we actually made it up them, into the restaurant itself, bagging ourselves a table an arms-length away from alll of the food

...well we needed easier access to all of that good stuff really didn't we...

(Cheeky aren't we - but pregnant ladies need to rest their legs...and feed their faces....)

I'm not sure why, but in such a fancy establishment, serving such amazingly presented food of such a high quality I think I expected the chefs to be a little unapproachable and standoffish, but do you know what, I couldn't have been more wrong.

Sitting upstairs gave us a chance to interact with them a little and the three men behind the counter - the ones cooking up a real storm for everyone, plying us with sneaky samples of their out-of-this-world white chocolate mash and more amazing mini sausages - were so chatty and down-to-earth it really made the whole evening all the more pleasant

Whilst I know a full meal at the Roast and Conch would probably cost a small fortune (it would be so worth it though!) I am waiting for the day I can go back and eat platefuls of all of that chocolate goodness.

The day just can not come soon enough

* food/cocktail samples free of charge at the event - pictures, thoughts and opinions all my own

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