Friday, 26 June 2015

Baby Baker Friday - Lets Talk Boobies...

I've decided that Friday's on the blog are now going to be dedicated to my new found pregnancy status.

Whilst I know this won't please everyone, it's something I really want to do - after all being pregnant is a huge thing to be happening in my life and I really want to share bits and pieces of what is going on amongst these pages.

So here we go

~ Baby Baker Friday ~

I've noticed that there has been a whole lot of talk across social media lately around the topic of breastfeeding, and with it being National Breastfeeding Week I suppose that it is only natural for it to be a hot topic of conversation.

And why not.

It certainly got me to thinking about it all a little bit more anyway, so much so that I figured it would be quite an appropriate post topic for Baby Baker Friday this week.

I'm no expert in the field I must stress now, in fact my knowledge levels, beyond the "Breast Is Best" mantra, is very close to nothing.

But I still have my own thoughts and opinions on the subject and that's what I'm going with here - my ideas, my viewpoint, my thoughts.

It's quite funny really, a class of my students at work have been studying the "Breast vs Bottle" area in their Child Development lessons recently and they love nothing more than dragging me into the room whenever I walk past to get my thoughts on the subject - and I have to say, for a group of fourteen year old girls, they certainly know their stuff - they offer me tips and advice regularly, it's great.

But they are all desperate to know how I will choose to feed Baby Baker when she is here.

So what will I do?

Well, very honestly, I would very much like to give breastfeeding a try.

I'm really keen on it this time around actually and I know for sure that I didn't feel this way when I was pregnant with my son - in fact I'll go as far to say that it didn't even enter my head to try breastfeeding at all.

And I'm not really sure why.

The only things I can put it down to is the fact that I was only 21 at the time - not that age has anything to do with it of course, but I do think that for me personally I was way too young and one hundred percent wasn't in the same mindset as I'm in right now.

Plus, I had just endured an exhausting nineteen hour labour topped off nicely with a fairly traumatic knock-me-out-fully emergency I suppose this (and all of the pain) could have played their own little parts in putting me off trying.

But whatever the reason, breastfeeding never came into it and I can't even remember my midwifes asking me about it either...

However this pregnancy around, I've already put time into thinking about what I want and why I want it, as well as planning on ways to make the process as successful for me as possible.

Not for one minute am I saying that I'll be amazing at it though - all the planning in the world won't make my body do something it doesn't want to so I know I may not be able to do it.

I've heard that it's not all that easy and that it comes with it's own bit of pain too but at least I'm expecting these things and have planned for them - I know I'll have to persevere...well...for a while anyway.

There are a few things I'm worried about though I won't deny, things such as...

~ What will other people think when I pop my boob out...?

I'm not a person who goes for any sort of public attention grabbing scenarios and I can blush at the slightest thing - even if it doesn't embarrass me.

So can you imagine if I thought a stranger had spotted my exposed nipple - oooh - it's never going to be good isn't that one...

~ Will it hurt?...A lot...?

I try not to moan too much about things (the Husband may not quite agree with this...) but I know that I don't have the highest pain threshold out there, so sore boobies and nipples aren't really appealing to me at all...

~ Will I end up with knee-grazing boobies afterwards...?

Saggy boobies?

Oh please no...

I suppose, as in most situations, preparation is the key...

~ I've enquired about some breastfeeding hints and tips classes through my midwife, just so I get an idea of what I'm supposed to be doing.

~ I'm going to bug the hell out of my midwife cousin for as much advice and help as she can offer up.

~ I've already invested in a few packs of muslin clothes, which will stop me becoming all exhibitionistic, and will make a good cover to pop over the boobie area whilst I'm feeding if I'm out and about.

~ I'm going to look into buying some nice, flattering, easy accessible feeding tops...along with some really good, comfortable supportive bras...
(sore, saggy boobs - be gone!)

It's also important that the boys in the house don't miss out of some of the feeding/bonding time with Baby Baker too, so I already have a Tommee Tippee Manual Breast Pump (thanks lots George Clothing for this!) so that I can express a bottle or two for them to be involved as well.

...and not to mention it will mean I get an occasional night off the feeds too...

I'm really hoping I manage to make a success out of it all.

But if not, after solely bottle feeding my son when he was a baby, I know that I'll be OK - I mean he is an amazingly well developed, strong, clever little (well - not so little!) young man now so the bottle certainly did him no harm now did it...

Anyway, we shall see...

* Pump included in my haul of goodies from George - words, pictures, thoughts all my own

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