Wednesday, 1 July 2015

Food, Food, Food at The Slug & Lettuce, York

So, here I am, writing another post about stuffing my face with lovely food.

Such a hard life isn't it

I just can't resist though - especially when I'm invited along to eat in a beautiful city such as York - I really do love that ever-pretty place.

So, yeah - like I said - totally a hard life...

My eatery venue of question on this particular day happened to be the newly refurbished Slug And Lettuce on Swainegate (as there are two in York) and I was certainly not disappointed

The place was lovely

The new decor was beautiful and very clean, modern and inviting - I could have quite easily taken a set of their floral chairs home for my own kitchen...

Even the loo's were "done up" really nice, with fancy wall tiles and quirky mirrors.

First impressions - excellent.

I got to talking to the bar staff a little bit too - all of which were extremely friendly, helpful and welcoming - and was told that the new, wider bar space was still a bit of a very welcome novelty for everyone serving behind it.

Winning all around with the design I think.

But the food was my main focus of the day - obviously - so as we were seated, we wasted no time in having a glance over the menu...

First up - the drinks - and with cocktails on at two-for-one, well it would have been rude not to indulge a little wouldn't it...

...and by "indulge", of course I mean "order a mocktail"...

My first choice was a very tangy, very refreshing Bambini Bellini, whilst the Hubby opted for a vodka-laced Woo Woo...

We decided our two course option would be a main and a pudding today - as much as I love food there's sometimes only so much savoury I can manage.

I opted for a very comforting, very cheesy cottage pie served with bread and garden peas...

~ It was amazing ~

The whole dish arrived steaming hot, the mash was perfect and covered with grilled cheese whilst the vegetable-laced mince meat wasn't gristly or fatty in the slightest and the gravy it was cooked in was deliciously rich...

Let's just say it went down very well...

The Hubby opted for his usual larger-than-his-head burger in The Ultimate S&L Burger

And let's just say he was a very happy bunny when it arrived at our table...

He was impressed with the amount of meat he was served up, exclaiming that the burger was nice (although he could tell it wasn't a freshly, hand-made chunk of beef) and was all flame-grilled and BBQ-tasting.

I managed to snaffle a piece of his favourite of all of the the meats - the pulled pork - and it was blooming lovely - all covered in quite a sweet tasting sauce that gave the burger that little "something extra"...

And well - un-surprisingly - he finished everything on his plate too...which says it all really doesn't it...

My son opted for the child's spaghetti bolagnase (he's such a pasta fan) which was served up with raw carrot and cucumber sticks...

...and the whole lot was demolished too.

Us Baker's do not mess around when there's nice food to be scoffed let me tell you!

And so, after a little breather and another round of drinks (a very minty, refreshing Apple Mojito mocktail for moi and a shandy for the Hubby) we chose and ordered our puddings...

Now, although kiddies eat from their menu on a Sunday for just £1 at the Slug And Lettuce (amazing deal I know!), my son is a total pudding fiend and never, ever opts for what there is on the kiddies menu - and I don't really blame him when there are such beautiful sounding things on offer...

Today he decided to have the Cookie Cup Explosion - a cookie base covered with brownie, marshmallow and topped with a big mound of ice-cream...

~ Wow ~

And yes, it did look and taste (I was allowed to sample the smallest of pieces) every bit as amazing as it sounds...

~ Delicious ~

The custard-fan Husband chose the Hot Chocolate-Puddle Sponge...

Rich chocolate sponge with a warm, gooey chocolate "puddle" centre - lovely stuff.

And myself, well I also went for a custard covered dish, the Caramel Apple Crumble Pie...

And again it just couldn't be faulted - perfectly cooked apples with just the right amount of caramel coming through, finished off with a lovely crumble topping and a pie-like base - totally the best of both worlds!

My only criticism - maybe my custard could have been a tad warmer...hardly negative point of the century though is it...

We sat back, tummies full, contented smiles plastered on our faces.

Yep, we do love our food and The Slug And Lettuce certainly met our expectations.

Thanks for having us York - we'll see you again soon

*adult meals/drinks provided free of charge for an honest review. Words, pictures & thoughts are all my own

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