Friday, 12 June 2015

Baby Baker Friday - Sampling Some Panache Lingerie

I've decided that Friday's on the blog are now going to be dedicated to my new found pregnancy status.

Whilst I know this won't please everyone, it's something I really want to do - after all being pregnant is a huge thing to be happening in my life and I really want to share bits and pieces of what is going on amongst these pages.

So here we go

~ Baby Baker Friday ~

Well, we meet again, and what a lovely, gloriously sunny Friday we have today.

I'm fast approaching the 22 week pregnant mark now and after a little bit of a rough start to this week my midwife insisted that I take a few days out and spend time putting my feet up, doing nothing apart from rest, rest, rest.

I have fully taken advantage of "doctors orders" and have practically snoozed the best part of the last 72 hours away, but I think Baby Baker approves - there has been a whole lot more activity going on in their recently.

I can now even see my tummy moving with some of of the kicks and swipes she delivers.

~ Little Diva ~

So what pregnancy related topic do I want to bring to you today?

Well, it's quite a pink, fancy, lacy topic actually and is something certainly more "Mum" than "Baby" related.

So what is it?

Well, "it" is in fact an amazingly pretty lingerie set that I received from those very talented people at Panache Lingerie

Isn't it just fantastic?

And as lovely looking as this is, the set is actually from the award winning Panache maternity range.

I know, I know...I never knew maternity undies could look so fab either!

My little discovery was all thanks to an event I attend - The City Girls event in Sheffield - and it was here that I managed to get my hands on this lovely little set.

You may have already read that Panache Lingerie were in attendance at the event, with a huge rail of white brassieres on display, and what they were doing was quite a brilliant and unique thing to find at a meet up I think

The lovely Sheffield Panache lady Zehra was offering to correctly size all of our boobies for us there and then (in private of course!).

She then gave each of us a catalogue packed full of the Panache range - which is all blooming beautiful I must say - to take home with us and allowed us to pick out our favourite bra - any one at all - insisting she would send it to us.

How brilliant is that.

And when the lovely packages landed on our doorsteps, not only did we receive the bra of our choice, Zehra also sent us the matching bottoms to go with it too - well, I suppose matching never fails to make you feel great does it.

So, thanks to the amazing generosity of Panache Lingerie, I was left with this very cute, very supportive, Mum-To-Be-Boob-Appropriate lingerie set - and I love it.

I actually couldn't choose a colour myself so I asked Zehra to pick for me and I'm really happy with her selection - I do love girlie-girlie pink.

It is simply beautiful - you definitely can't go wrong with a lovely shade of pink can you, especially when it is topped with a little bit of luxurious white lace

And the little bow in the centre is the perfect detail to just finish the piece off nicely

It is very, very pretty.

I found that the material on the inside of the bra is very pregnancy friendly too - really soft and silky -  Panache certainly know how to keep sore, pregnancy boobies as happy and as discomfort-free as possible don't they
(which I'm very grateful for!)

Being "with child" my boobies are naturally getting bigger than they were before...a whole lot bigger in fact and I have found that this bra really supports well and covers everything it is supposed to do.

The fastening strap of the bra is fairly thick too - without being ugly - and this also helps offer support.

It has six sets of fastening loops too, which allow for a bit more range when it comes to fastening the bra

Very useful in not only maximising comfort but also, the more the bra can be adjusted to fit an ever growing body shape, the longer time period it can be worn for, meaning less need to invest in others.

~ Brilliant ~

I'm also a fan of the knickers (the thong knickers - oooh...) in the set too - they perfectly match and complement the bra

I mean how could you not feel brilliant wearing these.

I am really pleased with this lovely set and am happy to find that there are options out there allowing pregnant ladies to buy fancy and pretty, but yet still practical and supportive underwear.

After all, having an "expanding all over" body for nine months isn't always the most glamorous time in a ladies life but that shouldn't mean that options aren't available to help make us feel as amazing as possible now does it.

Thank you lots Panache - I really love this set and I know I'll be back, post pregnancy, popping a few more undie orders in.

This is certainly a case of "Pretty in Pink"

* products sent free of charge in exchange for an honest review. All words, thoughts and pictures are 100% my own

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