Friday, 3 July 2015

Baby Baker Friday - Mothercare's Expectant Parents Event

I've decided that Friday's on the blog are now going to be dedicated to my new found pregnancy status.

Whilst I know this won't please everyone, it's something I really want to do - after all being pregnant is a huge thing to be happening in my life and I really want to share bits and pieces of what is going on amongst these pages.

So here we go

~ Baby Baker Friday ~

Today's post has changed literally three times this week, but I just couldn't help myself - I had such a fab evening at an event I attended last night that I really couldn't wait a whole week to write about it.

And here it is - my little take on the Expectant Parent's evening at the much-loved-by-all, Mothercare.

I was invited along to the Crown Point store in Leeds and to say that it is only probably fifteen minutes down the motorway from where I actually live I can't believe I've never been in before.

The store is brilliant - it spans two floors, with an ELC upstairs and it is blooming huge

A mum-to-be's shopping dream I think

I was so impressed.

From the second we stepped through the doors every member of staff we bumped in to or spoke to was really helpful and just couldn't do enough to answer our questions or help us find what we were after.

I'm really not exaggerating either - the customer service genuinely was A*

~ "But what's all the fuss about?" I hear you ask
~ "It's a shop - that's the service customers should expect"

Very true, but this Mothercare store is no ordinary "shop" - yes, obviously you can buy things - but it is much more than just being about all of the pretty pretty dresses or checking out the different models of breast pump. 

There is so much to see and do.

And the thing that I pritty much made a bee-line for was the bra-fitting area.

Now, getting my body out in front of total strangers isn't something I find appealing at all - especially not now that there is a whole lot more body to be getting out - it's just something I simply had to do and how glad am I that I decided to do it in this particular store.

It was totally no-fuss, no-embarrassment and no-stress.

There is a separate changing room-type area in the bra department which is used specifically for the fittings only.

Each cubical has a door which locks (none of those ill-fitting curtains that need holding on either side whilst you awkwardly try to pop out the boobs), lots of space and an all important sofa-for-the Husbands to relax on outside whilst they wait

My Hubby was very impressed with this I must say, but for me, as brilliant as the welcoming atmosphere was, I can't even say it was what I loved the most.

What I actually loved the most was the lovely lady who helped me

Sandra knew exactly how to make a pritty uncomfortable experience as easy, as normal and as pain free as she made no jokes about the horrifically fitting bra I was wearing either.

She was really chatty, very helpful and sized me perfectly.

~ Fab ~

So with new (larger) bra in hand, we had a little wander around the store and stumbled across the MumSpace area.

And what on earth is this then?

Well, the MumSpace area can be completely shut off from the rest of the store and a whole host of different activities and classes can be carried out inside at different times of the day.

There are acupuncture sessions and massage classes (to name just a few) which are all designed for pregnant ladies, but there are also such things such as Baby Massage and Puppet Shows to enjoy after baby arrives too.

And all of this within a Mothercare store - I was genuinely shocked myself that it all went on.

But that wasn't all I found either...

There was also a...

~ Baby Bond Ultra-sound area...

...where you can book to have a 4D ultrasound scan of your baby and this is something I desperately want to do but am still trying to persuade the Hubby about it...

~ A Pixi Foto studio...

...perfect for all of those living-room-wall worthy baby portraits...

~ and a Tea Monkey cafe...

...the perfect place to refuel (I very much recommend trying the chocolate tea with a splash of milk!) - or in my case, the perfect place to send the Hubby whilst I endlessly coo over baby dresses....

The cafe is also the venue for the Bosom Buddy Breast Feeding support group meetings which get together weekly with ladies from across Leeds to offer help and support.

I think you can literally spend all day in this store and not get bored.

Now, onto the event...

If I'm honest, I didn't have a clue that these type of things even existed before this event...or that they were so readily available (they can be booked on-line)...or even that that they were free to attend.

And they really are a fantastic idea.

Upon arrival we were given a goody bag along with a timetable showing us where in the store certain talks were taking place.

Because we had already popped into our local Mothercare the week before this event to buy our travel system (we opted for the Mothercare Xpedia with four wheels in a red and white stripe...just incase you're interested...) we didn't go to the Pushchair talk...although I did spy the changing bag that I want lurking in the corner...

...we did however listen to the Feeding And Sterilising talk and it was brilliant.

Informal, chatty but full of facts and product demonstrations - I mean, who knew breast milk could be stored in a freezer for up to six months?

Not me - but I do now!

~ We also caught the Sleep Safety presentation too...

...again, full of hints, tips and what-not-to-do ideas surrounding babies and their sleeping environment.

I genuinely learnt a lot, and that was only from a few short talks.

Mothercare also offer customers a Personal Shopper service which isn't simply about spending money at all.

It is soon to be re-launched as it is more of an information service where people are able to book a session so that they can have some one-to-one time with a member of staff and focus on specific areas they would like a little more in-depth information in.

Again, such an amazing service but one I had no clue was out there.

There is obviously so much more to Mothercare than I ever thought possible.

I have to mention too, just how overwhelmed I was at the sheer amazingness of the event co-ordinator Debbie.

Not only was she welcoming and chatty, she had made me up a separate goody bag to take home which I found to be crammed full of information, help and tips all on breastfeeding - the one area I had mentioned in a previous post - find it here - that I was really worried about...

Now if that's not fabulous service then I don't know what is.

Thanks for having me Mothercare

I can see Crown Point being my new favourite store for a long time to come

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