Thursday, 9 June 2016

Indulging in an Elemis BIOTEC Facial

If I thought my skincare/beauty/take care of myself routine was poor before little Willow came into the world then there really is no hope for me anymore.

I mean I do try and squeeze a little bit of "me time" in somewhere every day but the most I manage is usually five minutes to myself in the bath before someone barges in needing the loo.

~ Great ~

But what can ya do - there's always something else for me to be doing or somewhere else I need to be or someone that needs attending to first.

A typical story for any parent though I suppose.

So it will go without saying really, that when Elemis (the fabulous Elemis inside of the very swanky Harvey Nics in Leeds to be exact) contacted me recently and asked if I would like to pop along to see them to experience one of their all new BIOTEC mini facials that I (literally) jumped at the chance.

Anything longer than a five minute block of down time has got to be grabbed with both hands these days.

Now, OK yes, whilst my beauty regime is pritty rubbish Elemis are actually not a new brand to me, in fact they were one of the first ever skincare brands I discovered in those very early blogging days and I have loved them ever since.

So there I was, all brave, marching into Harvey Nichols on my own (which has never been done before - yay, go me!) where I was met by two very lovely Elemis ladies who immediately made me feel at ease and really comfortable.

And once the informal introductions were out of the way the scary stuff began - I was dreading it...

~ I was given a skin analysis ~

 * * Run for the hills screaming in horror * *

But actually it was no where near as bad as I thought it was going to be.

The process of having my face photographed wasn't what I was worried about at all (have you seen the amount of selfies I take!) it was all the scary, usually unseen things going on under the surface that I was a little worried about.

Just thinking of the damage I could have done to my skin during my sunbed loving days is enough to give anyone nightmares.


...wait for it...

It actually turns out that I have very few skin issues

~ Yay ~

~ Very few fine lines

~ Very few dark spots

(but just how scary is this image though!)

~ Very mininimal redness


~ very little thinning of the skin - even around the delicate eye area

Go me eh, and because of this "lack of issues" it was a Radiance Renew treatment for me.

Now I'm not going to even pretend I understand all the beauty science that goes on - I'm rubbish and certainly am no beauty expert - but what I do get is the concept behind the BIOTEC treatments.

All of the treatments are designed to target a specific problem - blemish control, skin resurfacing, line erasing - and they provide a way to help  "turbo-charge the skin from within", to wake it up and help re-energise the cells making the skin surface look and feel new, fresh and re-booted.

Sounds brilliant really doesn't it.

So into the little treatment area I went, plonked myself into the amazingly comfy "I'll-massage-your-legs-and-feet-too" Elemis chair and then the treatment began.

First my make up was removed with an Elemis facial balm and then my skin was cleansed and massaged before refreshing, cooling gel masks were placed onto my face.

I was even given some cooling under eye gel patches too in an attempt to reduce my ridiculously dark eye bags.
(those mega early feeds!)

Then I was given a lovely scalp massage whilst the masks worked their magic.

Once this was all complete, I was moisturised and then it was time to leave my lovely little relaxed bubble.

I could have quite easily spent hours there being pampered and preened let me tell you.

And so, whilst I may have left Harvey Nichols minus my make up and my two matching 'brows (so sorry to anyone in Leeds who may have spotted my troll like appearance) I felt so relaxed, at ease and my skin felt fabulous.

It was a little tingly for a while afterwards and it felt so smooth to the touch and really clean - even the Hubby noticed I was "glowing" and it's not like him to pick up on things.

I think regular facial visits may be a little out of my price range but I wish they weren't because my skin did feel lovely for days afterwards and I found, particularly the day after the treatment, that my make up applied so much better than usual.

They are certainly a luxury worth paying for that's for sure.

And the time they take is brilliant too especially if you fancy squeezing a bit of relaxation into a lunch hour or before you drive home after a particularly stressful day at work.

I was really impressed with the results anyway, but then again this is Elemis and they are quite fabulous.

Happy Relaxation everyone

* treatment provided free of charge. All words, opinions & images 100% my own

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