Tuesday, 23 August 2016

Celebrating All Things Summer With Cotton Traders - #CTSummerDays

Although it's all too fleeting in it's presence these days, summer never fails to be amazing.

I always find that a little bit of warmth always makes everything seem just that little bit better.

And even if there only ever is a few of these lovely, hot days. one thing we sure know how to do here in Britain is to make the most of it.

There's plenty of garden-lazing, barbecue firing and ice-cream eating to be enjoyed - and enjoy it we do - probably because we never actually know when we will get another opportunity to do it - may as well jump in feet first and get as much out of it as we can.

And it seems that Britons throughout the years have always loved to throw themselves full force into the enjoyment when the lovely sunshine makes an appearance.

Cotton Traders carried out a little bit of research (full details here) and looked at the vastly differing summer traditions people had throughout the decades.

Whilst now, us, sat here in the present day may pop along to the races or have a barbecue at home, for people living in the 1950's it was a very different summer situation.

Picnics were the food of choice and everyone was very much in the post-war spirit with businesses beginning to flourish - in fact it was at this time that Butlin's was created, with over one million people holidaying there in the '50's.

And if you happened to be a '70's kid it is highly likely that you would have spent your summer months in the Mediterranean for the first time...watching the (then - not now!) highly fashionable Speedo being flaunted about...

~ Yikes ~

And so to really celebrate all of these differences and bring them together with what they really show - that we love to enjoy our summer days no matter the era we were born into - I was recently invited along, by The Cotton Traders, to Lambert's Yard in Leeds for a #CTSummerDays event with the rest of my family in tow.

The day was so much fun and the focus was very much on getting the kiddies involved in as many of the traditional summer fun things as possible.

We had a little bit of...

~ Hook-a-Duck...

~ deck chair lounging...

~ Kite making...

~ Hoola-Hooping & Bean Bag throwing...

~ yummy barbecue style food eating...

~ ice-cream making (& eating!)...

It was fabulous - a really lovely, fun day was had by all and there were smiles all round...

And whilst I brought along the oldest and the youngest children within the group, everyone was included - Willow enjoyed eating the duckies whilst Charlie enjoyed being all responsible and helping out...

The whole day was a real testament to the fact that the best and only way to really enjoy the summer that we do have is to get out there and have some good, "old-fashioned" fun with all of the family.

Nothing quite beats it

* event put on on behalf of Cotton Traders - all words & images 100% my own

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