Wednesday 5 October 2016

Cakey Treats From Caketoppers

Over the next four weeks this little house of mine will be packed full of birthday celebrations.

We have Willow's first birthday (sob!) in just under two weeks time and then two weeks after that it will be Charlie's eleventh birthday (sob!).

It's going to be a very fabulous few weeks - weeks that shall be filled with gifts, surprises, lots of Mum emotion, and cake - of course there's going to be cake...three of them in fact.

And earlier this month we had a little bit of a "get ready for all the lovely cake" taster when the people over at Caketoppers sent us two of their yummy sweet treats to enjoy...

And not only were these cakes delivered straight to my door (oh yes they were), not only were they packaged well, not only were they sweet, delicious and iced with thick, yummy, gooey icing...

...but they were totally personalised too...

One was all bloggy - as if I could leave that out - and the other was even more fabulous and had my two beauties adorning it.

...and trust me when I say that my son took great delight in chomping into his own picture...

And the verdict?

Well he ate most of both of them without loosing a crumb - apart from the teeny bits of each one he let me sample and I do have to agree with him when he said that they were delicious.

They really were - soft, sweet, tasty, flavoursome - what more do you need from a cupcake.

Thanks lots Caketoppers for our lovely mid-week treats

* cakes sent free of charge to sample - words, images & thoughts 100% my own

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