Wednesday, 23 November 2016

Cute Stationary Goodies From The #SmiggleXmasParty

Judging by the amount of early Christmas posts and early Christmas decoration pictures I've spotted recently I think it is very safe to say that the "season of goodwill" is fast approaching.

And as usual I'm way behind on everything and have only just - as in this weekend - ordered my very first present.

But I'll get there - I always do - and then it will be time for fun, excitement and partying.

Actually, if I think back to the first Christmas themed party I was invited to this year, it makes all of the "trimming the house up in November" seem not quite so early at all.

Smiggle - where a SMIle meets a giGGLE (clever eh!) - actually held their Leeds based Christmas party - #SmiggleXmasParty - really early - at the end of October - giving everyone even more time to find their festive cheer.

Unfortunately, due to some last minute changes in my circumstances I wasn't able to attend and I was gutted
(I mean have you seen their stores - who wouldn't want to go to a party inside one of those!)

And then the pictures and the tweets began popping up all over social media and I'll admit, I had a little sulk.

But then, much to my amazement, the lovely party planning people contacted me to let me know that a goodie bag had been left in store for me to pop along and collect.
How fabulous is that!

And just how fabulous was it...

Crammed full of treats and surprises, all of which my son couldn't wait to get his hands on...

The first thing that jumped out at me was this very fancy-pants pencil case...

I actually remember owning one very similar to this "back in the day" when I was at Middle School, only mine was pink with a huge personalised heart on the front - I blooming loved it - and judging by how fast this was whipped out from under my nose, my son loved this one just as much.

Then again, he loved it all and snaffled most of it to his room...

But who can blame him - I wanted it all for me too so I can understand his urgency to claim it all as his own.

And all of this awesomeness and much, much more is available now from Smiggle stores everywhere and it would all make the perfect Christmas gifts for any stationary fiend (and everybody has one!) there may be in the family.

We'll certainly be heading into a store very soon that's for sure - or so I've been told by my son anyway.

And that actually suits me just fine.

Enjoy a 'Smiggle' filled Christmas

* items sent free of charge - I was under no obligation to write a post. Images, thoughts, opinions 100% my own

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