~ February 14th ~
A very Happy Valentine's Day to you all.
But, if like myself, you aren't all too invested in the whole day - Happy Tuesday.
I know, I know, yes you did read that correctly - but married or not - Valentine's Day just doesn't really have a whole lot of meaning in our household I'm afraid.
Of course myself and the Hubby have done the whole cards-flowers-gifts thing in the past but not for a long while now and this year, the only cards and chocolates bought for today were the ones my very cute son has for his girlfriend (bless!).
As for flowers, they haven't made an appearance at my door for a lot of years...well...apart from this bunch of AMAZINGNESS that is...

A very Happy Valentine's Day to you all.
But, if like myself, you aren't all too invested in the whole day - Happy Tuesday.
I know, I know, yes you did read that correctly - but married or not - Valentine's Day just doesn't really have a whole lot of meaning in our household I'm afraid.
Of course myself and the Hubby have done the whole cards-flowers-gifts thing in the past but not for a long while now and this year, the only cards and chocolates bought for today were the ones my very cute son has for his girlfriend (bless!).
As for flowers, they haven't made an appearance at my door for a lot of years...well...apart from this bunch of AMAZINGNESS that is...

These were brought, hand delivered to my doorstep no less but were not for me, they were for my Hubby - which was quite unfortunate.
But nope, we just don't bother with it all - my Hubby is the least romantic person the world has ever seen and after fourteen Valentine's Days I think I'm more than used to it by now.
I'm not even a big romance film fan either - I'd much prefer an action packed movie or a good comedy any day.
But for the sake of St Valentine I thought I'd have a little delve into the depths of my "Best Film" collection and tell you what my top five romancey type movies are.
Chances are though, my picks won't be to everyone's taste and they may not even typically fit the genre of "romance" but they are all I've got to go with so I hope you relate and like, even if only a little bit.
If you've read my blog for a while you'll know that I have two beautiful kiddies, but what also comes with having cute little humans to look after is that you have no free time and things such as "date nights" - even just to nip to the cinema - do not happen, so instead, we tend to opt for things like movie nights in - usually with Netflicks (and no, this is not a "Netflicks & Chill" reference because, if you refer to my previous point above, I have two children clung to my side for the best part of twenty hours a day), way too many calorific goodies and a huge, lets-pretend-we-are-at-the-cinema sized TV screen (the Panasonic 4K TV works very well).
So - my favourite kind-of-romantic-Valentine's-appropriate-movies-to-watch-at-home are...
~ The Twilight Saga ~
(to which, if you're interested, I am actually watching whilst typing this post out)

Now I know these movies aren't everyone's cup of tea but I blooming love them - they are such a guilty pleasure of mine and I actually only watched the first film on a whim, oh years ago now, but I loved it that much that I went out the very next day and bought all of the books I could find and totally binge read them.
I was so hooked on them that I remember using hours of my saved up lieu time from work just so I could finish early and get an extra hour of reading time in before the school run.
And remember that iconic grey, double breasted coat Edward Cullen wore throughout the first movie?
Well...I may have (*ahem*) even "borrowed" his style slightly, picking out items of clothing for my poor, unsuspecting, very young son based on my obsession...
~ What Woman Want ~
I mean who doesn't love a bit of Mel Gibson?
Especially in this slightly cheeky, slightly funny, tongue in cheek role - and then when he finally does get the woman - one who is strong, determined, career-driven (after he's admitted and owned up to his mistakes of course) - awww, it's so lovely.
It's such a easy to watch, feel good film that I can't not like it.
It's such a easy to watch, feel good film that I can't not like it.
~ How To Lose A Guy In 10 Days ~
Another one of those romance/comedy films that I've watched so many times now it's crazy, and if for nothing else simply for that fantastic "You're So Vain" stage performance...and for how stunning Kate Hudson looks in (everything!) that beautiful yellow evening gown.
I can be just a little bit in love with her can't I...I mean it is Valentine's Day...
~ Dirty Dancing ~
The romantic film of my childhood.
Without fail, us kids would always put it on in the dining room (on video, as in a VCR - yep, I am old) at my Grandma's when she had any sort of party or gathering going on and we were ordered to shout through to the living room when that end scene was coming up.
All of the ladies - Mum's, Aunties, Cousins, friends - every single one would then pile into our room, shoving the kiddies out of the way, ooohing and arring right up until that lift happened.
It was quite the tradition now I think about it and naturally at the time I figured that they all just loved the dancing as much as we did...yet it wasn't until years later that I really understood...
It was quite the tradition now I think about it and naturally at the time I figured that they all just loved the dancing as much as we did...yet it wasn't until years later that I really understood...
I understood that pull of Mr Parick Swayze in his hayday all too well...
Yes - I really do love this film and it will never, ever get old.
And so, last but by no means least, a film that means a whole lot to me for all sorts of Valentine's appropriate reasons...
~ Save The Last Dance ~
I totally adore this film and how the loved up pairing of Julia Stiles and Sean Patrick Thomas fall in love over their passion for dancing and then help each other overcome their own individual life struggles...romance at it's best, eh.
I loved the dancing and watching this film always had me thinking how much I wished I had some sort of dancing ability - I wanted to be able to bust out the moves too.
But most importantly for me, this film is the first movie myself and the Hubby ever watched together.
We sat, very awkwardly and nervously on his sofa, making small talk and chatting about the film, oooh what seems like a zillion years ago now - it was before we were even an official couple - and so this film is always going to hold a special place in my heart.
We sat, very awkwardly and nervously on his sofa, making small talk and chatting about the film, oooh what seems like a zillion years ago now - it was before we were even an official couple - and so this film is always going to hold a special place in my heart.
(but then again so is Texas Chainsaw Massacre - unfortunately - because that happens to be the very first film he ever took me to the cinema to see...remember his romantic streak, the one I mentioned above - yeah well he's never had it!)
However you may be spending this day - coupled up, married or single - have a brilliant, maybe movie-filled, day
* sponsored post - all images & words are 100% my own
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