Wednesday, 14 June 2017

Twirlywoos Fun And Games

Until recently - and I do mean very recently - the daytime TV selections in our home have been based solidly around the same few TV programmes.

Naturally each one has to be chosen by Willow - I don't think poor Charlie has had a TV look in since the day he became a big brother.

Anyway, our usual choices tended to switch between Peppa Pig and Ben & Holly, with Peppa being the programme of choice - I reckon I know every word for almost every episode ever made it was on that often.

However (thankfully) we've managed to broaden our "allowed programmes" selection over the past few weeks and now we can include Something Special with Mr Tumble and Teletubbies - Willow's newest word of "La La" is actually a demand she gives accompanied with a point in the TVs direction when she wants it on.

This girl knows what she wants and knows just how to get it.

Hopefully though, after receiving a cute little Twirlywoos bundle recently from Golden Bear Toys, we could have another viewing area to venture into...

Willow was very taken with the duo we were very kindly sent and particularly she loves to press, press, press the buttons on the Fun Sounds Big Red Boat...

...which - not surprisingly - makes different boat sounding noises.

The toy is really sturdy and is made of a bright red plastic, it is quite a small boat - perfect to take out and about - and the size also makes it perfect for little hands to be able to push along...

...and when they do, the kiddies are rewarded with a "moving through the ocean waves" type of a noise.

The other three different sounds can be heard by pressing down on the top section of the boat which again, is really easy for little hands to do themselves.

Willow was really taken with this toy and doesn't stop pressing the sounds button whenever we get it out. 

Next we had the Fun Sounds Toodloo - which is a soft and squishy teddy type toy representing one of the main character from the show...

Willow loved giving this teddy hugs and kisses and loves pointing to it's eyes and toes when she is asked where they are.

At the moment she hasn't quite grasped the "press the tummy" part herself but she is very aware that it needs pressing to make the sounds, which is obviously where Mummy comes in - tummy pressing a hundred times in a row.

It is a really cute looking toy and the six different Twirlywoos famous phrases mean it won't loose it's appeal quickly...

And as it is suggested to be used by children over ten months I know that it will be safe for a child of Willow's age to be playing with on her own.

Both toys have made for a really fab little addition to our toy collection.

I suppose I had better get used to some regular Twirlywoos watching now hadn't I

* PR samples - all words, thoughts & images are 100% my own

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