Thursday, 20 July 2017

Jump Inc - A Fabulous Set Of Summer Deals

As crazy emotional as this week is turning out to be, if I stand on my tip-toes and wipe the ever present tears from my eyes I'm sure I can see, on the not too distant horizon, the start of the six week summer holidays.

And whilst having six weeks worth of holidays in one chunk doesn't fill me with the same amount of giddiness it did when I worked in a school especially when I remember that zero of Willow's beloved playgroups or toddler swim sessions operate throughout the whole of the summer period (why I ask, why??) I know it will still be really lovely to have a little bit of time with both children together...

...if there are no slamming doors or tantrums or moans of "whyyy do we have to go there" of course...


Thinking about it I reckon I need to get down off of my tip-toes and do some fun days-out planning - and pronto.

And somewhere we recently visited where we will certainly be going back to is Jump Inc in Leeds...

Now we have been to a few trampoline parks before but this was the first time I had actually heard of Jump Inc, and although I wasn't bouncing on the day (someone had to look after the little human that is Willow) the two eleven year olds we had in tow were really impressed...

Everything was new and fresh and because there wasn't a massive amount of people on the trampolines at any one time...or that's how is seemed anyway as the area is really quite massive...everyone was able to get on what they wanted without being crushed or pushed or crowded.
(although one of the sections wasn't open at all and a few of the kiddies were a little disappointed)

There was certainly a lot of laughs and giggling faces and that shows me that a whole lot of fun was being had by all.

If I had to find any negative though it would be that when we realised Willow wasn't too young to hit the trampolines with everyone else (they do a toddler only session mid-week too you see which sounds amazing) we asked about paying for her to have a quick turn - because it would only be quick with her toddler sized attention span - however the price quoted was the full hour price - we were already half an hour in - and it was the same as for a much older child.

I feel having slightly cheaper prices for little ones would have made the world of difference...but that's just my opinion.

Anyway, back to those long Summer months - Jump Inc have obviously had a little think about all of those days spent at home and have set up a pritty amazing deal...

A thirty day unlimited pass can be bought for just £30 - which works out at only one pound a day if the offer is taken full advantage of
(although the price increases to £40 in August - so grab one quickly!).

There are a whole host of other deals on the go too - four people can bounce for £25, five for £30 and six for £35 - brilliant for large families or those "can we bring my friend with us today" scenarios which we've all found ourselves in...

As if you needed another excuse to get Jump Inc on your Summer Outings list, eh.

And if you sign up to their newsletter there's a whole host of other offers ready and waiting to hit your inbox too.

Happy Bouncing!

* visit provided free of charge - words, thoughts & images 100% my own

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