Wednesday, 30 August 2017

What's Next In Our DIY Pipeline...

Guess who's back.

Back again.

No - unfortunately my recent blogging absence wasn't due to an overdose on excitement at having the opportunity to see Eminem at Leeds Fest this weekend - how I blooming wish - no, it's simply been due to a whole lot of things happening.

I've been busy, busy, busy but doing way more boring and mundane things than festival going.

I've actually been planning another room upheaval and this time it's my bedroom that has to be changed.

Now if you've followed my blog for a while then you will know that since Willow has been around my bedroom has actually seen a fair few changes already - first of all there was the "lets create space for the baby and rip things out" change and then, more recently we had the "lets make this room a little prettier" type changes...

But now, well now even all of that isn't enough.

We're at the stage now where ideally Willow really needs to have a bedroom of her own but doing the whole moving house thing simply isn't on the horizon right now and it won't be for a lot of years yet.

~ Unfortunately ~

But what we do know is that "years" is far too long a time frame for the three of us to be sharing a bedroom for.

But what can be done?

Well we were considering a loft conversion to create a new, extra bedroom for Charlie so that Willow could move into his current one but - well, those kind of jobs don't exactly come cheap now do they and whilst it really isn't an affordable option for something to do now, hopefully it will be a future plan.


...well we've decided that the only thing we can do is to partition off our bedroom, creating two really small rooms, but two rooms nonetheless.

We know it's going to be a squeeze, we know it won't add any value onto the house but there's a flame haired little girl here who is so ready for a new little "proper" bed, in her own cute, little bedroom.

So it shall be done, and hopefully, before Christmas too (funds permitting of course).

But first, before anything gets the green light there is a whole load of accumulated junk and 'stuff' that we have to go through, have to sort out and have to get rid of, and this is where my past week has been spent.

I've had my head in boxes, in draws, in cupboards, sorting, decluttering and really trying to clear things out.

I've found myself at (unsuccessful) baby item sales...

...I've listed hordes of things on marketplace selling sites and all with two aims in mind - to one, raise a little extra cash and two, to find any of that much needed space this tiny house craves.

It's going to be a crazy, mess filled few months but I'm hoping it will all be worth it, and then at the end we get what we really need and that my beautiful little girl can finally have a space she can begin to call her own.

So back to the DIY we go...

* sponsored post - all words, thoughts, plans & images 100% my own

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