Friday, 29 September 2017

Things, Well, They Only Get Better...Right?

I don't think I've had a more scary, more horrific or a worst week than the one we are in at the moment.

Too much has happened to this beautiful little family of mine and there are still some hurdles to cross - many of which we don't even know about yet.

And whilst I reckon I'm likely going to want to write a post about everything, to get all of these feelings out about what's been going on, for now, well for now I'm looking at a few more positive things, things I think the four of us need in our lives right now - a few of the good things - over the next few months.

Things that include a lot of fun and perhaps a little luxury.

And a first port of call is going to be (well I'm trying to let it be) us heading to a place I can only imagine Willow will adore - because if anyone deserves a treat right now it's that little one - and that place is the CBeebies Resort at Alton Towers.

It looks blooming amazing and whilst it is a little out of our price range at the moment, I've had a look at the website this evening, and oh my goodness, what a Willow sized treat staying there would be...I mean that In The Night Garden room is something I can only imagine her dreams are made of.

She would adore it.

Years ago, Charlie was obsessed with knights and we were lucky enough to have the opportunity to take him to the theme park Camelot before it closed it's doors forever.

We stayed in their chocolate filled Cadbury Room and enjoyed jousting shows and all of the rides - he loved it...

And I now need something like this for Willow to enjoy.

Next on the list is something for myself I think - something I desperately need (as my recent, unexpected hospital stay illustrated) and that something is some new PJs...

Yes, you heard right - the only "treat" I'm after is some new ladies nightwear, and not even anything fancy either - some cheap as chips PJ bottoms and baggy t-shirts will do me just fine.

But I am in desperate need - my current, very old, very holy-kneed ones are long overdue a visit to the bin.

And then we have Charlie.

I very much want to treat this little star to something really nice too, he has been absolutely amazing these past few weeks - even more so than usual.

He has settled into high school amazingly, he has taken some fairly harsh adult-shaped criticism without letting it knock his confidence and he has flitted to and from the hospital, has looked after his little sister and completed homework, rugby trained and done everything he has had to do and all without batting an eyelid.

I mean what on earth do you do to reward that?

He deserves something huge.

And then there's the Husband.

The one who kept a cool head, who got our little lady the medical help she so desperately needed in super fast time.

The one who's helped keep me positive; who's kept the house running and as clean as a whistle whilst I was in a hospital room for days on end; the one who's driven across town numerous times every day to check on us and bring our little lady mini M&S Jaffa Cakes when she refused to eat anything for days.

Yeah...these two men of mine deserve more than trips away and new clothes (although I think they would be rather grateful of either) - in my eyes, they both deserve a blooming medal.

Here's to getting through the rest of this week, this month, this year, and to getting through it together

* a sponsored post - all words, thoughts & images are 100% my own

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