Tuesday, 24 October 2017

The Viking Arty Christmas (in October!) Party

It's not often I manage to get myself out and about, surrounding myself with a room full of fabulous people these days, but when I do, spending hours with other lovely bloggers is the way I like to do it.

Especially when there is alcohol, nice food and a whole lot of laughs to go alongside all of this brilliant company.

And this is exactly what I found myself doing a few Saturday's ago when I headed over to Lambert's Yard in Leeds for Viking's #VikingArtyParty...

We had laughter, we had food, we had mulled wine...

...and erm...a Christmas Tree...presents and Christmas music...?

In October?

Oh yes we did and it was fantastic.

And because Viking offer up everything possibly needed stationary related, well it makes a whole lot of sense that the event was full on arty, full on stationary packed and full on crafty...not exactly areas I would rate myself on having strong points in but regardless, I couldn't wait to get started.

Throughout the day our fairly large group was split into three and we each tackled three tasks in total - first up was...


Now, as beautiful, as classy and as amazing as calligraphy is, it is very blooming hard to get going with...

...and not even in one million years would it ever be something I could master (oh how I wish!) - I mean I couldn't even get the phrase "Ho Ho Ho" to look half decent and that consists of just two letters!

Our wonderfully talented expert teacher Joyce from Artsynibs on the other hand was fan-bloody-tastic at it...

Once my envy at handwriting had subsided, it was time for a little bit of...

Block Printing

This was by far my most favourite task of the day and after an initial oh-my-goodness-what-on-earth-do-I-choose-to-print moment I fell into a printing momentum quite quickly.

As it was Willow's birthday the day after the event and she was fully on my mind (I mean, when isn't she) I opted for lil' yellow crowns (that did look a bit like W's too) to decorate my folder as they represented my Little Princess/Little Diva perfectly...

I was rather impressed with the overall look I have to say.

We then moved on to our last task of the day...

A Cracker Advent Calendar

Obviously making a Christmas cracker is going to be a little fiddly and would take a fair bit of time - not as much as I first thought it would though - so to make a whole advent ready twenty-four of them would be quite tricky in the time we had.

We made two crackers at the event and then were very kindly sent on our merry way with a stack of glittery resources to continue our makes at home...

I found this really quite therapeutic to do once I had the knack and was in full swing with it.

Tasks over, there was also yummy Christmassy themed hot sandwiches and warm mulled wine (which I've never tried before - ah-mazing stuff!) to keep us full and happy, and so, as Saturday afternoons go, this one was very good I must say.

Who would have actually thought I could get so involved with all things crafty, eh.

Everything was fab and I can't wait now for Willow to be old enough (because Charlie wouldn't even look at these tasks these days) to get cracking (see what I did there!) with everything that I picked up on the day.

Thanks for having me Viking - you really do know how to throw a good party

* words & thoughts - 100% my own, images are part mine, part the ever brilliant Matt Chappell's

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