Wednesday, 23 February 2022

Tech For Helping At The Gym

Are you thinking about investing in a gym membership?

If so then you are totally like myself - I never know if I should go for it or not.

But one thing that always helps when I do join is making sure I'm kitted out with the right tech.

Here are some of the key items that I think you need to consider to improve any fitness experience...


First, you should think about exploring the right pair of headphones for your gym visit.
Gyms can be quite loud so it’s important to ensure that you have a way to find your centre, blocking everything else out and being able to just get on with it.

Headphones are great for this and if you can, even think about getting a noise cancelling variety which will allow you to focus completely on achieving your fitness goals when you are at the gym.

You need to make sure that you look at the reviews of different headphones on the market. Something to consider is weight as well as stability.

Weight is critical because if the headphones are too heavy then you’re going to feel them too much when running on a treadmill or lifting those weights.

Smart Towel...

You might think that a smart towel sounds like a ridiculous concept.

What does it do? Wash itself?

Well, not quite but this is still an ingenious device that you will want for your gym visit.

The smart towel will change colour if it detects any type of bacteria. That’s important because gyms aren’t known for always being the cleanest of places in the world.

As well as this, if you have a few towels at home, then you’ll want to make sure that you’re not packing up a dirty one for your gym visit, and now you don't have to worry.

These are available from a variety of different brands and some come with two different materials on either side for a more thorough clean.

So, before you start looking for the best gyms, you might want to consider purchasing one of these too.

Smart Watch...

Finally, you should definitely consider investing in a smart watch before you head to the gym.

A smart watch is the ideal tracking device that will tell you everything from your heartbeat to your pulse or your rate of breathing.
It can be an incredible thing to have on your wrist while working out because you’ll know whether you are keeping up the right pace or falling short of what you can achieve.

You might be aware that there are lots of different smartwatches on the market to choose from, so how can you pick the best one?

Well, just like the headphones, you need to make sure that you are exploring the different reviews - pay particular attention to those who have used the watches for different fitness activities.

I hope this post helps you see that there are a few fun pieces of tech that you should definitely invest in before you hit the gym - whether it’s a towel that tells you when its dirty or a watch keeping track of everything, this tech will make your gym visit more comfortable and a lot more enjoyable.

And a little more fun - and that can't be a bad thing, right...


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