Tuesday, 12 April 2022

Firing Up The "Get Fit" Motivation

Everyone is looking to be as fit as they possibly can be aren't they, but it is not always as easy as you might hope to make this a reality.

If you are struggling to get fit, one of the most common reasons behind this can be because you are simply struggling to feel motivated.

So, let’s take a look right now at some of the best ways to fire up your motivation to get fit...

Concentrate On The Desired Outcome...

Sometimes motivation can waiver because you are not clear enough on the desired outcome that you would like at the end of something - you might want to revisit what your own desired outcome is, and do all you can to work out what you can do to make it as clear in your mind as possible.

You can treat this as a visualisation technique if you find that to be helpful.
Do this once a day - really focus on actually "seeing" the successful outcome that you are hoping for - and it can often be enough to bring about the necessary motivation to keep on working hard towards that goal.

Make Use Of Your Natural Reward System...

We have a natural reward system in place which is designed to help us make all the necessary changes we need to as effectively as possible.

When you are struggling with motivation, it can prove helpful to try to hack this reward system in some way or another.
For instance, you might be able to think of a healthy treat that you can have after a run, or something similar.

Introducing these rewards at the right moments can really make a huge difference to how motivated you feel about your fitness.

Focus On Your Dream Athletes...

Another way to achieve the same end, is to ensure that you have some particular athletes who you are happy to look up to, and who are generally good models of health and fitness.

Looking at a resource like https://sportnews.in/ can be a good start, and you might also have some other ideas about the kinds of people who you are going to be able to look up to.

Then, with those people in mind, you can often more fully appreciate what it is you need to do to get where you want to go.

Having Patience...

Finally, remember that all of this does require that you have patience, and that you are allowing yourself to have a process that might deviate from one day to the next.

That is often just a normal part of the flow of things, so it’s something that you need to try and keep in line with as best as you can, if possible.

The more patient you are in general, the easier it will be to get motivated to get fit.

Good Luck...

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