Wednesday, 9 April 2014

Orange #rainbownailsblog

Orange week this week in Kelly's #rainbownailsblog project. I wasn't really feeling this colour for my nails I must say.

For a start I couldn't find an orange polish anywhere and I certainly didn't have any in my teeny tiny polish collection, so I started to stress a little bit.

But on a mad dash through my local market last week, I picked up this rather bright Miss Beauty addition in "Neon Orange", for the very bargainous price of just £1.

And neon orange it certainly was...but I decided that if I had to wear a colour that I'm not all too keen on then I may as well go all out and make a little bit of a bold statement with it.

And do you know what, I'm really glad I went for it.

I actually really liked this colour once it was on my nails.

And to say it had such a cheap price tag, the polish applied really well.
It was just the right consistency - wasn't so thin that I had to apply a million coats of it, and wasn't so thick that it took hours to dry.

Plus it dried really quickly too.

I was impressed.

One coat did the trick and covered brilliantly, but as usual, I opted to apply two coats, which left me with this very bright, citrus-y set of talons.

I'll certainly be heading back to the market to pick up more Miss Beauty bargains

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