Thursday, 28 August 2014

Essentially Yours Skincare - A Mini Test

I must admit, the little sample pots within this post have been in my possession for a fair while now, but I've been a very bad blogger and am only just featuring them today.


In my defence I have been using another skin cream and didn't really want to clash the two.

And anyway - this is the first post after a birthday celebration...surely that's a good post position to have...right..?

So, I was sent these little pots of lotions and potions by Essentially Yours and have given them a bit of a trial over the past couple of days.

Essentially Yours are a skincare brand who first began developing 100% natural skincare fifteen years ago.

They very kindly sent me a few cute little bags with samples of three different products in them for me to have a little play about with and test on my problem, spotty skin.

Obviously I can't comment too much on how these products would work on a long-term basis at ridding me of my chin-spots as I only had a little sample amount of each one to work with, but that won't stop me giving my first impressions of everything.

Whether you want to hear them or not.

So first up, there were two pots containing a clear facial wash.

After having a little peek at the product manual I also received with my samples, this wash is said to remove dirt, make-up and oil as well as helping to tighten skin.

The face wash is fragrance free and suitable for all skin types too.

Rubbing a little into my hands, I coated my face in the wash and then rubbed it all over.

It didn't really foam up as such but it cleaned my skin just fine and left it feeling all fresh and free of grubbiness - which is never a bad thing.

Next up, I applied a little of the Balancing Oil to my face, and this, this I could definitely smell.

It was very fruity, lemony and all refreshing thanks to the grapefruit, lavender and tree tree within.

It applied to the skin really nicely and it didn't feel greasy at all.

This oil is said to be perfect for hormonal skin...can I get a bucket full please...

Looking in the mirror after I used this, I felt that my skin looked quite good immediately after I had applied it - which is probably crazy...but I'm just saying what I saw.

If anything, I looked a little shiny perhaps but still really nice and healthy nonetheless.

After referring to the trusty manual again, I followed the instructions and applied some of the Blending Cream sample to my face straight after the Balancing Oil.

This again didn't seem to have much of a scent, but it settled onto my skin really nice.

As I carried out this little ritual on an evening, I had time to sit and take note afterwards of how the products reacted to my skin.

I really noticed that whilst my face was touchably smooth, silky and soft, I thought that it felt a little tighter than normal - I would have normally put this kind of thing down as a negitive (I like my skin to feel fully soft and moisturised) if I hadn't known about the tightening properties of the face cream.

I'm now guessing that this feeling was just the wash working it's magic at stopping me getting wrinkles.

So I love it.

I really had no complaints using these products at all - only that maybe I needed more of them - they all did as they described and I was left with a clean, moisturised, healthy-looking face.

Always a winner in my book

*samples sent for a trial - opinions all my own

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