Monday, 6 October 2014

Lovely Coral Nails

Well, today is the first day of my extra cheeky week off of work - and do you know what I've done...

Absolutely nothing.

It has been brilliant.

Well - I have watched Twilight, drank some tea and painted my nails.

Standard "first day off work" activities eh.

I like to think so.

So I thought I'd let you into my nail colour of choice for today.

This colour was one of two purchases I made from L.M.B at the Northern Bloggers Meet Up a few months ago.

I featured the lovely sparkly green on my blog here and it's about time this lovely bright coral was on there too.

So like the green, this colour applies really well - so well in fact, that I didn't even need to apply my usual two coats - just the one did the job just fine and the colour covered my nails brilliantly.

The polish is a really nice consistency too - not too thin or too thick - just perfect.

I think this helps with the drying time too - it seemed to be ready for me to go in no time at all...not that I actually had anywhere to go...but if I had to rush off anywhere I know I could have been dashing out of the door in no time at all.

I hate waiting around for polish to dry...and then when you think it is dry, you accidentally touch it and then uh-oh - lets start that nail all over again.


I really liked how the colour was a nice matte shade too - it makes a really nice change to having really shiny nails all of the time.

I'm really hoping to get some more of these colours in my collection very soon.

Find the full L.M.B range here

Now...what will Day Two of my holiday bring...

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