Tuesday, 9 December 2014

Getting Bold In The Cold

My goodness me - there is certainly no denying that winter is well and truly at our door now is there.

It's blooming freezing out there

And for me, this is not a good thing.

I hate being cold.

I will, quite regularly, be heard saying that there is no doubt in my mind that I was totally born in the wrong country.

My body just needs the warmth all of the time.

~ Brrrr ~

Anyway, I found it rather humorous then that I received an email from Virgin Holidays detailing a new competition they have running, encouraging people to...

Go Bold In The Cold

So what is all this about then I hear you ask?

Well, basically, Virgin Holidays are asking each and every person to submit a short video or a photograph to them via Twitter, Instagram or Vine using the hashtag #BoldintheCold 
(full details can be found - here - )

And the prize?

Well, the winner of the competition can look forward to enjoying a fantastic holiday - to DUBAI no less - for themselves and THREE friends!!

! How amazing !

However, the video (or photograph) has to illustrate you getting "Bold In The Cold" and I'm guessing the crazier and more "out there" the entry, the more chance of snapping up that big prize.

Now personally, stripping down to my bikini (*shudder*) and sitting in an ice bath in the garden is just a step too far away from being "bold" in my book and is edging more towards being plain old "crazy".

So this idea was a huge, big no-no for me.

But on a recent trip to Chester Zoo I came up with a little plan.

I scoped out the animal I found myself relating the most to all things cold - which as it turns out were the penguins...

(Awww - I just love lil' penguins!)

...and then I tried my hardest at pleading with their keepers to let me get a tad closer...

But - well...obviously I had no chance at getting anywhere near, but at least I had a try.

And not to be defeated, ignoring some strange looks thrown my way from the general public, I stripped down to my jean shorts, vest and shades, positioned the cold (yet cute) penguins behind me, and casually "chilled out" (Ha! - chilled out...get it...?), reading a good old fashion mag...

...just as I would do if I were sunning myself on a red hot beach somewhere...

Trust me - it was more than a little chilly - well - it was Chester - in November...

It was cold

But I did it

And here is the proof that I did get all -

~ Bold In The Cold ~

Have some crazy, freezing fun yourself

The weather is certainly cold-competition friendly right now that's for sure

* post is my entry into a Virgin Holidays Competition

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