Monday, 8 June 2015

The City Girls, Sheffield - All Of The Goodies

~ Happy Monday Everyone ~

Here's to a fantastic start to the week...and a very speedy hop, skip and jump towards the weekend.

Last month I filled you all in on a fantastic event I attended in Sheffield held by The City Girls and couldn't express myself enough of how much of a fabulous day I had.

~ It was brilliant ~

But as with everything in my life at the moment, this follow up post is live rather later than planned, however I figured today was a good day to share details of the fabulous goodies I walked away with within the very generous goody bag I was given.

It's my little way of showing just a teeny bit of appreciation towards the amazing brands who contributed to the day - in both goody bag form and the crammed raffle prize table which helped to raise money for the brilliant City Hearts charity.

So first up is the goody bag.

I do love a bag crammed full of treats (who doesn't!) and this bag did not disappoint in the slightest.

It was full to the brim, but I have to hold my hands up and admit a few of the more edible items are not in any of my pictures...I'm sorry, I'm sorry - I just couldn't resist snaffling them before I managed to get the camera out.
(greedy I know)

Oh - and the dry shampoo - a total god send for me and my wild hair so naturally this is already all used up too - I blooming love the stuff...

Included were some absolutely amazing full sized products - some which I have used already and have totally loved, some of which I really can't wait to delve into.

One of my very favourite finds came in the form of The Enchanted Forest Colouring Book complete with colouring pencils...

I've spied quite a lot of these on other people's social media recently and have heard that they can be really therapeutic and relaxing.
I can't wait for a bit of me time, to sit, feet up, cuppa in hand and really get to grips with this.

So, yes, we were very spoilt weren't we, but it didn't stop there, we also had a raffle to contend with, with all proceeds being donated to the very worthwhile City Hearts charity.

In total we raised £350, and with all of this on offer, I'm really not surprised...

I wanted everything but in particular, being the lover of caffeine that I am, I couldn't resist hoping, wishing and praying that the nine jar Beanies Coffee Stash box would be mine

I wanted it from the second I headed over to the table, and guess what - I took the little beauty home with me

~ Y A Y ~

Amazing right!

The whole day was just brilliant and a great deal of this was due to the brands that contributed.

Well - judging by the looong lists above, how could they not make the day!

Thanks for having me City Girls and for thoroughly spoiling me rotten!

I can't wait until next time...

*goody bags given out, free of charge, as a gift from the event

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