Tuesday, 12 April 2016

Finders Keepers & Some Striking Angel Wings

So, as far as "quirky little obsessions" go, I think I have a fairly lovely one actually.

Well, obviously, my two main obsessions are my kiddies (which you'll know all about if you follow my Instagram page *winky smile*) but apart from those two cuties, there is something else that I do rather love too.

And that something is angels.

I know, I know - a little strange maybe but I just find the whole concept and idea of them very magical, mystical and a little bit soothing really.

I know there are a lot of people out there who share my feelings about angel theories, yet for them, the pull of them may be for sentimental reasons.

For me however, my love stems simply from fiction.

Yep, that's right, fiction.

My book-nerd side has discovered some pritty amazing, supernatural tales telling of beautiful fallen angels and that was it right there, I was hooked on the genre immediately.

Actually, I have to mention the lady who started all of this - it was the fabulous Amy M. Bartol - now she is woman with a whole lot of books you really need to be investing some time in people, let me tell you.

Anyhow, back to the now.

So there I was, all angel loving, being introduced to a really cute, new jewellery brand - Finders Keepers - when what did I spot?

Yes, you guessed it - some beautiful angel wing pieces...

...I mean how could anyone not want this - obsession or not - it's just so delicate and really pretty.

The double wing design is really classic and would go with any outfit - casual or dressy - and with it being silver (not real but still my colour of choice) it is just perfect for me.

This necklace offers up a really striking effect yet still remains very understated and simple in design.

And it is an ideal gift in my opinion.

Finders Keepers, who are fairly new with their online retail store, actually stock a whole host of cute, dainty jewellery pieces and how lucky am I that they sent me this piece to keep, all for my very own.

Now, thanks to them, I can move away from the rushed, fleeting, crazy idea that I recently had to have an angel wing tattoo emblazed somewhere on my body (I mean, lets face it, I'm far too old and boring these days for anything quite so "out there" anyway) yet I can still be adorned with beautiful wings whenever I please...

...and in a much more sensible way too.

And upon further examination of the range of necklaces on offer I'm beginning to feel a little sorry for my bank account right now - there are certainly a fair few things that I am needing to be picking up.

Well, my collection can't be called a "collection" with just the one item now can it...and I've spotted a few gift pieces not for myself as well...

Go check out Finders Keepers for yourself and let me know if you find anything you love as much as I love my necklace.

Happy Shopping

* item provided free of charge - review, pictures & opinions are all my own

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